Happy New Year

I hope everyone has a safe New Year’s Eve tonight. Some community members are having a little get together in the forums this evening if you’re looking for friends to chat with.

Thank you to everyone that visited this website over the past year. It’s sure been a weird one. Here’s to 2018.

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Once a week I make a simple pitch to everyone that reads this website: if you like it, could you help support us? Running this website is my full-time job and it’s because of readers like you that we can remain independent and keep publishing. There’s a few different tiers of support that work out to basically pennies a day. And being a supporter comes with cool perks (like Dark Mode, special forum enhancements, and much more), but beyond that your support means this website and forum can continue to exist. You can learn more here.

Thank you to all of our current supporters and all the readers that make this website possible. I love running it, and it’s because of all of you that I truly feel like I have the greatest job in the world. Thank you.

Words We’re Watching: “Padawan”


Padawan is a word that is being used more and more in a generic way to refer to learners, followers, or anyone just starting out. It was used in Star Wars: Episode I, the first of the prequels made by George Lucas and released in 1999, and refers to aspiring Jedi knights whose education is overseen by a Jedi master. […]

At any rate, what’s notable is that they are creating a new category of skilled pre-professional positions, and have found a word that corresponds to it. Whether or not the name sticks is a good question: it will take several years of gathering evidence to see whether or not this is the word we’re looking for.

‘Call of Duty’ Gaming Community Points to ‘Swatting’ in Deadly Wichita Police Shooting


Nichole Manna, writing for the Wichita Eagle:

Online gamers have said in multiple Twitter posts that the shooting of a man Thursday night by Wichita police was the result of a “swatting” hoax involving two gamers.

Swatting happened when someone makes a call to a police department with a false story of an ongoing crime – often with killing or hostages involved – in an attempt to draw a large number of police officers to a particular address. […]

Officers went to the 1000 block of McCormick, preparing for a hostage situation and they “got into position,” he said.

“A male came to the front door,” Livingston said. “As he came to the front door, one of our officers discharged his weapon.”

Bandcamp Release 2017 Stats


Bandcamp have released some of their 2017 stats, there’s some fun gems in here:

17,872 tapes were released on Bandcamp this year. That’s an average of almost 50 tapes per day, or one every 29 minutes. If you’re anything like me, you will now be feeling an uncomfortable combination of shock, confusion, and heart-warming joy. Don’t panic—it’s normal. That’s your brain carving out new neural pathways to accommodate the realization that you’re more mainstream than you thought you were.


Ever since I found out that “Atlas” is the most popular band name on Bandcamp (still – 77 and counting!) I’ve been intrigued by common band names. They’re always words that are short and generic enough to be statistically probable names, but still somehow meaningful to the bands using them.