Nazi Punks Fuck Off

Black Flag

Steve Knopper, writing at GQ:

Every hardcore band you loved in the ’80s and beyond, from Black Flag to Minutemen to Fugazi, had one unfortunate thing in common: Nazi skinheads occasionally stormed their concerts, stomped their fans, gave Hitler salutes in lieu of applauding, and generally turned a communal experience into one full of hatred and conflict. […]

Here’s an oral history on how punks took back their scene.

This is great.

Dashboard Confessional on the Latest Rock Sound Podcast

Dashboard Confessional

Chris Carrabba of Dashboard Confessional is on the latest episode of the Rock Sound Podcast. He talks a lot about growing up in the emo/pop-punk scene, and how it’s changed:

The part that I don’t feel connected with was when certain bands started to use their songs as a platform to brag, about how much money they had or how wonderful they were. That’s when I checked out. When I say we got knocked down a peg, I think it’s maybe a better choice of words to say we got knocked off our perch a little bit. We weren’t played on the radio – we were kind of whipping boys who were made fun of.