Zac Farro Talks with Noisey

Zac Farro

Zac Farro of Paramore and HalfNoise sat down with Noisey:

I want everything to be romantic. I romanticise everything. Look at my favourite movies. I think it’s almost a problem. That’s why I feel like I was born in the wrong time. With modern dating, you’re just texting all day, like ‘oh I just did this or did that’. There’s no magic in it anymore. I know I keep saying it, but that’s all I look for. That’s why I love playing with HALFNOISE. I love Paramore too, I’m so thankful to be best friends again with them. But with this little band, we’re all staying at this Airbnb, bumping into each other, playing together, there’s no tour manager. There’s magic left in it.

Review: Tiny Moving Parts – Swell

Tiny Moving Parts - Swell

Despite being bruised, stitched, and severed, the hand that adorns the cover of Tiny Moving Parts’ fourth LP, Swell, is still just trying to hang loose. That image is probably the most accurate summary of the Minnesota trio’s music. After garnering a dedicated fanbase with their first two releases, the band received more attention with their very solid 2016 album, Celebrate. Two years later, Tiny Moving Parts is back with their most consistent work yet, a sizzling ten track album that flawlessly blends the ethos of midwest emo with the energy of contemporary pop-punk.

Swell is frenetic from the very start, as opener “Applause” explodes behind Dylan Mattheisen’s charging, intricate riffs. Big choruses and soaring bridges burst throughout with contagious energy, with the occasional synthesizer or trombone thrown in the background for a little extra punch. It’s reminiscent of Tell All Your Friends – those dramatic moments emphasized by synth flourishes and sleek keyboard melodies (the urgent “Smooth It Out” and the bombastic “Whale Watching” are prime examples). First single “Caution” is dynamic in a way that recollects memories of the band’s first album, while the blistering “Malfunction” features some of Mattheisen’s best tapping to date.

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