Video Interview With Fall Out Boy

Fall Out Boy

Pete Wentz and Andy Hurley talk with Rock Sound in a new video interview:

The one thing that I would do differently in the future is listen to the kids on that aspect- because they just drive that anyway. ‘Last Of The Real Ones’ is a single- it’s just not a single that’s on the radio. But it’s on the internet like a motherfucker. And so that part- I wouldn’t say that it was unsuccessful- it was just a learning experience for us. But I think it was a successful transition.

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Paramore Talk About “Arts + Friends” Festival

Paramore talk with the Tennessean about their upcoming “Arts + Friends” festival and the future of the band:

In 2015, Williams says she was “just ready to go do something else.” On Friday night, they’re closing this chapter on great terms, and the future seems wide open.

“It feels like I’m holding the band in an open palm, versus grasping on to it like it’s the last thread of a rope that I’ve been hanging on to,” Williams says.

“I feel a bit more tenderness towards it, and I feel that it’s not something I can control whether it goes or stays. It’s a living thing, and I’m a part of it. It’s just relieving. I love my friends and I love music, so at the end of the day, whatever capacity that’s in, I think that’s gonna keep me going. That’s gonna keep me alive.”