Hopeless Records Founder Picks the Label’s Ten Best Releases

Hopeless Records

Louis Posen, the founder of Hopeless Records, sat down with Noisey to rank the label’s albums:

Actually, the label’s bestselling record is the one before that, the Avenged Sevenfold record, which is almost platinum now in the US. It’s gold in many countries. And the next two after that are other All Time Low Records—Nothing Personal and So Wrong, It’s Right are both gold in the US. So Wrong, It’s Right has “Dear Maria” and that’s our bestselling song and is platinum in the US. The reason I picked Future Hearts is that it’s our only record to debut at number one in the US and UK.

Jason Tate’s Top Albums of 2018

The Best of 2018

Another year is in the books, and I must say, this was one of my favorite years for music in a long while. I felt like I was discovering new music, or a new album to fall in love with, on a regular basis. And then the albums that ended up connecting with me, really hit me. It’s comforting to know that even when the rest of the world can feel like a mess, music still can find a way to cut through and make things feel a little better, if only for the duration of a great song.

After much deliberation, I’ve put together my favorite music, movies, tv shows, books, and apps from the past year. I’ve included playlists where appropriate, and I hope you’ll find something that will connect with you the way it has me.

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Gerard Way Teases More Music in 2019

Gerard Way

Gerard Way has teased some “heavy” music that may see a release in 2019:

2018 was a dark year full of black magic in my opinion, so it got me thinking about witches again. I was inspired to buy this mask because I had just written a song called I Am The Hag, which I haven’t finished yet. It’s kind of heavy. Maybe I’ll release it in 2019.