Microsoft Shutting Down Skype


The Verge:

Microsoft is shutting down Skype in May and replacing it with the free version of Microsoft Teams for consumers. Existing Skype users will be able to log in to the Microsoft Teams app and have their message history, group chats, and contacts all automatically available without having to create another account, or they can choose to export their data instead. Microsoft is also phasing out support for calling domestic or international numbers.

Jason Tate
Jason Tate

The weekend has gotten away from me and I still have a few things I need to do this evening, so I am not expecting to get to write a newsletter this week. However, I do want to plug this new Oversize album, Vital Signs, that came out on Friday. It's very shoegaze/grunge-y, but with a nice balance of melody and heavier moments. It gets a full throated recommendation. Listen:
