Reusing Old Domain Names

I have a handful of domain names I’ve stored up over the years for various projects. Some are in use, quite a few are not. When Chorus first launched I bought the short domain: for sharing short urls on Twitter to our content.

Since then (who was powering the short urls) has started charging a whole lot more for their service. And Twitter has put limits on how many posts can be automatically posted to their platform in a given month. Given that all the other social sites we post to don’t have as strict of limits on characters in posts, the idea of short urls doesn’t really make sense these days.

So, I am repurposing the domain name to re-direct specifically to my blog. I want to start using the “blog” portion of my website more. The goal will be to post things that don’t make sense on the homepage, and to move some of my other social media posting to one place that I control. I want to start bringing my monthly photo posts from Instagram here. I want to post more about my vinyl collection. I want to share random updates more.

And having a quick short URL to direct to the blog makes sense.

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My Archive


One of the awesome parts of running your own blog is that it is an archive of everything you’ve written over the years that you have complete control over. However, as the years go on, I realized that I don’t have a place where I can keep a nice tidy archive of my favorite things (or pieces I think are noteworthy) I’ve written. A place to document the various series or long-form pieces I’m proud of and the reviews that I think stand out above the others.

This is now that place.

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