Is there any significance behind the name Acceptance?
We are suppose to have a better story. But we actually played our first show without a name. And then someone just said acceptance and it stuck. We tried to change it but its hard to get all of us to agree on one thing, so we decided it wasn’t a big deal even though there was a lot of cliché band names coming out.
Where did you guys all meet?
We had been playing since we were like 15, but I think the first time that the band was taken seriously was around the time the EP came out which I think was around 2002. That’s when I saw everything finally put together.
So, the new album “Phantoms” hits stores in April. Are you guys excited to see all this hard work finally pay off.
Its been amazing. I always thought the more people that thought it was cool I would just be like.. cool. But since we have been doing this I have just been completely amazed by all the reaction that we have got.
Are most of the songs on the album new, or had you written some of them in the past?
All of the songs were written for the most part but not finished. We had been doing pre production for months before so by the time we went into the studio we were all set.
I know that you guys released a EP on The Militia Group. How did you guys get hooked up with them and then get signed to Columbia?
We had actually recorded the EP on our own and Columbia wanted to sign us from that but we didn’t want to release a major label debut without going with a indie label first to gain some fans and tour a bit before we decided to do a major label full length. We were good enough friends with Militia that they agreed to do that for us. Columbia thought it was a good idea and went with it.
The Saosin/Anberlin tour is almost over isn’t it? How has the tour been?
Yeah, we have about a week and a half left. We had played with all of these bands previously and it was nice to be on tour with people you know your gonna have fun on.
Are there any tours in the works right now for later this summer?
Uhm, we have a little break because we have been doing 2 straight tours. Then we are in the middle of doing a headlining tour and we are still trying to work out all the bands that we want to take on. REOS, Cartel, The Honorary Title, and Panic of Disco! We are hoping to see this all going over well.
What have you guys been listening to lately?
I actually like the new alkaline trio cd, its really easy for them to sound the same with such unique voices but they did a good job of changing the feal of the record this time.
We got the new Codeseven album and it absolutely blew my mind, I was impressed.
My wife actually sticks in journey, so I am always listening to that.
Well, that’s about all the questions. Do you guys have anything else you would like to say to all the readers out in AP.net land?
Just want to say thank you for all the support and so glad to see you all come out to the shows. And we love absolutepunk and all the kids that read the site.