Jimmy Eat World talked with Consequence about their upcoming graphic novel:
With all this backstory and with the video turning out rad, we felt it would be a shame to let it just end. The video pretty much is a live-action comic anyway. Z2 Comics was the best partner to do this with because they have experience working with people outside the comic world to make something good. They put me in touch with the writer, Alex Paknadel. I shared what I knew about the backstory and a very basic arc of where KLARRG could end up emotionally. After that I let him just go. He had total freedom to take it wherever he thought was interesting.
The illustrator Koren Shadmi was enlisted to draw because I felt his take on Sci-Fi was spot-on for the tone. Just a really great mix of presenting the unexplainable and unreal with a sense of total immersion, helplessness and struggle.