The Killers Talk With Rolling Stone

The Killers

The Killers sat down to talk with Rolling Stone about their new album:

Overall, Flowers feels like he made progress on one major front. “I put more of an effort to be more personal on this record,” Flowers says. To open up, the 36-year-old reflected on turning 21 for the tongue-in-cheek lyrics to “The Man” (“I was doing things that I thought maybe a man should do, but I was still just a kid,” he says), he tapped into the vulnerability he felt as a child in 1990 watching Buster Douglas knock out then-undefeated Mike Tyson and realizing “nothing lasts forever” (the soaring “Tyson vs. Douglas”) and he sang words of support to his wife, who suffers complex PTSD stemming from childhood traumas (the atmospheric “Some Kind of Love”). “It’s really emotional,” he says of the last tune. “I played that for her, and she just sobbed.”