Tom DeLonge Selling Old Gear

Box Car Racer

Tom DeLonge is selling some of his old gear from the Blink-182 and Angels and Airwaves days on Reverb.

“Over the years, I’ve collected so much music gear, used on different albums and tours, that now I’m overflowing with this stuff,” said DeLonge. “I need space, and in order to make space for the next Angels & Airwaves run—so that I can rehearse, do our stretching, and hug and kiss each other and all that other shit we have to do—I want to pass this stuff on.”

The 100-piece cache DeLonge is parting with spans the whole gear spectrum, from amps to synths, guitar pedals, and more all used on world-wide tours and in the studio. Some highlights from the blink days include DeLonge’s go-to touring amps of the time: Marshall JMP-1s and multiple Mesa Boogie Triaxis amps.

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Tom DeLonge Directing Sci-Fi Film

Tom Delonge


Tom DeLonge, former frontman of punk rock band Blink-182, is to make his directorial debut with a coming-of-age sci-fi feature film Monsters of California.

DeLonge, who has, in recent years, been getting more attention due to his passion for UFOs, is directing the film based off an original script that he wrote with Ian Miller. […]

Monsters of California is a coming of age adventure with a science fiction twist that follows teenager Dallas Edwards, played by Samson, and his derelict friends on a quest for the meaning behind a series of mysterious, paranormal events in Southern California.  The truths they uncover begin to unravel extraordinary secrets held tightly within the deepest levels of the Government.