The Pursuit of Tone Featuring Tom DeLonge

Tom DeLonge

The trailer for Ernie Ball’s The Pursuit of Tone featuring Tom DeLonge has been released.

Experience the stories behind Tom’s early influences in the San Diego skate scene to his sonic evolution from Blink 182 to Box Car Racer and Angels and Airwaves as well as his passion for film, novels, animation and constant artistic exploration.

The 90 minute documentary premieres August 19th at 8pm et/pt exclusively on Audience Music.

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Tom DeLonge’s Continued Search for Aliens

Tom DeLonge

Tom DeLonge of Angels and Airwaves spoke with

Well it’s not so much about Blink. It’s about what I’m doing with my life now. When you’re an individual like me, dealing with something that’s a national security issue, and you’re being gifted with the opportunity to communicate something you’ve been passionate about your whole life — something that has the opportunity to change the world over time — being a small part of that is enormously important for my life path.

But I can’t do everything. I can’t tour nine months out of the year with enough time to do the enormity of what I’m setting out to do.

Tom DeLonge Talks With Rolling Stone, Says He’s Still in Blink-182

Tom DeLonge

Tom DeLonge has given a new interview with Rolling Stone about aliens, UFOs, and stuff like that. You’d think that would be the strangest part of the interview. It’s not. When discussing Blink-182, Tom says (emphasis added):

“I love those guys,” he continues, “The only thing I think about is, I want them to be happy. [But] I don’t want the legacy of the band to get fucked with. I do care about that. I don’t want an incredible legacy to be ruined.” Still, he says, he’s not closing the door on playing with them again. “I’m not opposed to it. I still would be interested, if people would just pick up the phone and call.” (Confusingly, DeLonge gets in touch with Rolling Stone a few weeks later saying, “I am currently in the band.” He maintains that he has never officially quit or been fired.)

Tom DeLonge Interviewed at GQ

Tom DeLonge

Tom DeLonge of Angels and Airwaves was recently interviewed over at GQ about his upcoming book, Sekret Machines:

Oh my god, yeah. Oh my god. Oh yeah. There are a handful of moments when I remember pulling my truck over to the side of a very busy road when my phone pinged because I knew what was coming. As I was reading it, my hand would be shaking and my heart would be beating like a just ran a mile. Then I’d race over to somebody else’s house and bang on their door at 10 at night and say “You’ve got to come out here. I can’t tell you this over the phone.” It’s just incredible, incredible material. I’ve always been interested in this subject, but once people know that the UFO phenomenon is real and what it’s actually doing and what we’re doing, I think people are going to become as obsessed over it as I’ve been.

Review: Angels and Airwaves – I-Empire

Angels & Airwaves - I-Empire

Following the unfortunate demise of seminal pop-punk stars, Blink-182, bassist Mark Hoppus, drummer Travis Barker and singer Tom DeLonge went vastly different ways. Hoppus and Barker returned with +44, an electronica-themed band that seemed at times an extension of Blink (for better and for worse), and DeLonge traipsed across Larry King Live, proclaimed himself the second-coming of everything except John Lennon, and released Angels & Airwaves’ debut, We Don’t Need To Whisper. With WDNTW, DeLonge preached in favor of his newfound style, thrusting his maturity at anyone who would listen; to his chagrin, few did. The album sold relatively well in the mainstream, but many longtime fans had trouble embracing both the frontman’s attitude and his gloomy tunes.

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Review: Angels and Airwaves – We Don’t Need to Whisper

Angels & Airwaves - We Don't Need to Whisper

Blink 182 has become somewhat of a touchy subject in the punk community. They undoubtedly became one of the largest bands ever spawned from the ever-expansive genre as they released an unprecedented number of hit singles and successful albums during many years of music production. Where they fall on the scale of respect is quite another issue, and a more debatable one at that. Whereas thousands honor them as pop-punk pioneers, countless others blaspheme them as trite, overly immature, and unbearable. The group’s reputation transcends all demographics. The former opinion is expressed by aging fathers while the latter takes place even among the visitors of a site originally intended in large part to be a fan site for the aforementioned band.

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