‘Rock Show: A 20th Anniversary Tribute’ to Blink-182’s ‘TOYPAJ’

TOYPAJ Tribute

Releasing today is a great compilation of covers of Blink-182’s classic Take Off Your Pants and Jacket (TOYPAJ) album that has all Bandcamp proceeds from the record going directly to Mark Hoppus’ fundraiser for Cedars-Sinai blood cancer research. The compilation takes on thirteen of the Blink-182 songs found on the legendary pop-punk album, and features several scene favorites like The Republic of Wolves, ManDancing, and Out of Service. Please consider streaming the album and/or making a donation to the Cedars-Sinai blood cancer research fundraiser.

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Mark Hoppus Offers Health Update

Mark Hoppus

Mark Hoppus of Blink-182 offered a health update during a recent Twitch event.

“On good days, I go do stuff,” he said. “I went on a walk outside today and it was the first time I’d left my house in like… five days pretty much. But this round of chemo I wasn’t totally stuck on the couch, miserable. I’ve actually watched movies and walked around and cleaned the house and hung out with my dogs. I didn’t just feel like a poisoned electrified zombie leaned up against an electric fence like I did the past couple of rounds.”

But his ability to interact with the world is limited, and Hoppus finds it frustrating. “I can’t go anywhere right now. I wanted to go to the Dodgers last night. I can’t. I want to go hang out with friends and go to a restaurant. I can’t,” he said. “My white blood cell count is way too low for me to go out, so I am stuck trying to get better. That’s alright, I’ll take it.”