Fall Out Boy’s Patrick Stump has remixed COIN’s “Talk Too Much.”
Patrick Stump Sings the National Anthem
Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy’s performance of the national anthem at the World Series is now up for anyone that missed it.
Patrick Stump to Sing World Series National Anthem
Fall Out Boy’s Patrick Stump will be singing the national anthem at tonight’s World Series game.
Patrick Stump Remixes “Runaway”
Patrick Stump has remixed Mstrkrft’s “Runaway.” It’s streaming below.
Patrick Stump Scores Hulk Roller Coaster
Universal Orlando details the new Incredible Hulk roller coaster at Universal Studios featuring a new score put together by Fall Out Boy’s Patrick Stump:
From there, you’ll step into an entirely new ride vehicle. The changes start with its sleek, modern new look. Once on board, you’ll discover a brand new, in-seat audio system that booms an original ride score created by Patrick Stump, front man for the internationally-renowned rock band Fall Out Boy.
Patrick Stump Remixes Carly Rae Jepsen
Patrick Stump from Fall Out Boy has remixed Carly Rae Jepsen’s “Run Away With Me.” This song is one of my favorites of last year, but after seeing this, I’ll never hear those opening notes the same.
Review: Patrick Stump – Soul Punk
”Go back to Fall Out Boy!”
”Your solo stuff sucks!”
These responses, while ignorant and misguided, unfortunately exist in regards to the solo undertaking of former Fall Out Boy front man Patrick Stump. After the influential pop-punk quartet went on hiatus in 2009, each member went their separate ways. Drummer Andy Hurley and guitarist Joe Trohman formed hard-rock The Damned Things, while bassist Pete Wentz delved into club-centered dance pop in Black Cards. Stump, on the other hand, had a different and the arguably most ambitious vision as to where to take his next step musically.
Read More “Patrick Stump – Soul Punk”Interview: Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy
Patrick Stump opens up about his new solo career, the challenges of finding his own voice, being comfortable as a musician, and the past and future of Fall Out Boy.