Chris of POP ETC has shared on Instagram his story of recovery from an accident and his plans for the future.
Read More “POP ETC Detail Recovery From Injury” LATEST ARTICLES
Pop Etc – “Slips Away”
Pop Etc have returned with the new song “Slips Away” featuring Jason Schwartzman.
Read More “Pop Etc – “Slips Away””Pop Etc Announce ‘Covers Collection’
Pop Etc – “All the Wrong Places”
Pop Etc has released the new song “All the Wrong Places.”
Pop Etc. – “Broken Record” Video
Pop Etc. have released a video for their new song “Broken Record.” The band will release the new album, Half, in Japan on October 3rd. The full press release is below.
Pop Etc. – “Losing Yourself”
Pop Etc. have debuted their new song “Losing Yourself” on Noisetrade.
Pop Etc. Release Christmas EP
Pop Etc. have released a Christmas EP with two covers and one original song.
Pop Etc. – “Slight of Hand” Video
Pop Etc. have released a video for “Slight of Hand.”
Pop Etc. – “Fingerprints”
Pop Etc. have announced the “Infinite Singles Collection,” a music series that will debut new releases from the band every four to six weeks. The first song from this collection is “Fingerprints.”