Wishing Everyone a Wonderful Holiday

I just wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a happy holidays and a merry Christmas. I hope everyone is having a great weekend and at the very least enjoying some good food, drinks, family, and entertainment. The Chorus staff and contributors are working on finalizing our end of the year lists and we’ll have those ready for publication right after the new year.

Thanks to everyone that’s read this website this year and/or become a supporting member. Starting and running Chorus has been the most fulfilling months of my career, and I couldn’t do it without all of you. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

If You Really Wanna Get Me a Gift

As we enter December I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for visiting our website each day. November was one of the best months our forum has seen since we launched, and I’m starting to gear up for the new year. I have some ideas to make our membership options a little more straight forward, and streamline everything on that end as we continue to expand coverage and grow our community. In the meantime, a huge thank you to everyone that has become a supporting member and helped us outpace even my conservative estimates of where we might be by the end of the year.

If you’re looking for a Christmas present to get me, think about upgrading your forum account for a year! Or maybe if you do your holiday shopping at Amazon use our affiliate link. Both really do help push us through this relatively slow news, and advertising, period of the music industry.

I hope everyone has been enjoying the new website as much as I’ve being enjoying running it.

Happy Thanksgiving


I just wanted to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving. I hope everyone has a wonderful day no matter what your plans are. We will be on a relaxed posting schedule for the next few days while we recover from stuffing ourselves with food, but we’ll be back in full force on Monday.

Check out the Black Friday / Cyber Monday thread in our forums if you’re looking for some good deals this weekend, and turn the music up if the family gets to be just a tad too much.

The First Holidays With Chorus

One of my favorite things on AP.net was when I got to change the website to the “holiday” theme and let there be light blue snowflakes all around us. Now, with this new website, it’s built in a more minimal style that is harder to really spice up for the winter months. (Although, if you’re a supporter, you’ll see we do have a cool dark theme that’s great for all seasons.) However, I still wanted to bring a little holiday cheer to the website, so you’ll see a special holiday logo change for the months of November and December.

I’m going to continue brainstorming ideas for bringing even more holiday joy to our theme in the next year, but I just wanted to wish everyone a happy start to the holiday season! Thanks for visiting and reading.

Quick Site Update and a Thank You

I just wanted to take a moment to plug our forums and the supporter upgrade we have available. We’ve now passed a half-million posts on the forum, and are closing in on 20,000 registered members. The website is continuing to grow each month, more people are signing up to help us continue on our journey, and I can’t say thank you enough.

In the next few months we’ll be focusing on expanding our publishing and coverage. So that means more interviews, music and movie reviews, and featured articles. We’ve got an episode of Encore ready to go this week talking about all sorts of stuff, and after our Yellowcarddeep dive” episode did so well two weeks ago we recorded a special episode on the upcoming Jimmy Eat World album that will be out next week.

One of Our Users Is Looking for a Kidney Donor

Chorus.fm Logo

One of the users on our site, emt0853, recently made a post in our forums about looking for a kidney donor, and I just wanted to take a moment to give the story a little boost:

My journey began in 2007 and I had high hopes that this journey would be a short one. I received the most selfless gift I could imagine, developed a random blood clot happens in LESS than .01% of patients and it didn’t work out. Since then, I’ve had a million ups and downs it seems. Other family illness, personal illness, marriage, and school. I’m finally at the point that I can try again to take the steps to get back to a normal life and get away from dialysis.

During a consultation with Dr. Mikel Prieto, a nephrologist with the Kidney Transplant Program at Mayo Clinic, the suggestion was made to use social media to help my cause of finding a live kidney donor. He believes that I will do much better with a live donor instead of a cadaver donor. (Though not impossible, the wait would be much longer) Since I am younger, he believes this is my best option. Things have changed in the last 7 years, live donor kidneys can last upwards of 30 years.

If you have a few seconds, please read the post. Thank you.

Like Us? Why Not Become a Supporting Member

We don’t have a sponsored post this week, so I thought I would take a quick moment and just plug our supporter membership program. Basically, if you like this website, like reading our content, and like hanging out in our forums, this is a way you can help us. It comes with some cool perks, such as:

  • No ads in the forums.
  • Cover photos and a custom dark theme mode for the forums.
  • An exclusive supporters only forum where we do a lot of Q&As and talk about cool bands, rumors, and all sorts of fun stuff.
  • and more

As I wrote when I first launched this website: I think the best way to make sure something you love stays around is to support it. I’ve been blown away by just how many people have jumped on board and are helping make this website one of the best experiences of my life. We’re a little over four months in and I can honestly say that waking up to work on this project is fulfilling in a way I haven’t felt in years. So thank you, all of you!

Booking Up Sponsors for the Fall

Chorus.fm Logo

We’re currently booking up our sponsorship spots for the next few months, so, if you have a product or service you’d like to put in front of our audience, please reach out to me and let’s talk. We’ve been seeing some fantastic results with display ads and our feed sponsorships. I asked Creep Records’ owner William Angelos how the campaign we put together worked for him, and he had this to say:

I reached out to Chorus.fm when we signed JANK and I could not be happier. The new format has made ad space prominent and the click-through rate has been amazing. At the end of the day, we believed that if people heard JANK, they would love them. Chorus.fm helped immensely through their ads in getting people to give a new band a try. We will be using Chorus.fm for all future releases.

Our wonderful sponsors and amazing supporters have made the first four months of running Chorus feasible and exciting. Almost all of September is already booked up, but we have some openings in August and October and I’d love to get those filled up as well. I hope everyone is having a good day, I’m off to edit this week’s episode of Encore.1

  1. Supporters should check the Encore thread in the supporter forum for a special announcement.

Happy Fourth of July

Today is the 4th of July holiday so we will be on a more relaxed posting schedule. I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable day and we’ll be back to our regular schedule tomorrow.

Summer Sponsorship Openings

Chorus.fm Logo

I’m starting to book up July and August on the sponsorship calendar. So, if you’ve got a cool product, album release, or service to promote to our audience, get in touch and let’s fill these spots up. We’ve been seeing really great results from the banner ads and feed sponsorships, and please reach out if you have any questions at all.

Passing 10,000 Members

Chorus.fm Logo

It’s been about two and a half months since I launched Chorus and this week we passed 10,000 registered members on our forums. This is an exciting milestone and I’ve been pretty damn blown away by how fast our community has been growing, evolving, and easily becoming my favorite place to talk about almost any topic. Stats wise, we also recently passed a quarter million posts and our supporter members numbers have, for lack of a better term, left me speechless. I’ve got a number in my head that if we reach, the website will become perpetually sustainable for me to do full-time, and I really do think we can hit that number in our first year. If you’ve been thinking of signing up, please give our options a look and come join us in the supporter forum to say hi! I have plans to do a live blog/first impression run through of the new Butch Walker album tomorrow night and the Q&A thread has easily become my favorite in the entire forum (even if like half of it is probably Brand New related questions).

Once again I just want to say thank you to everyone that reads this website every day. It’s been incredibly fun to put together and run over the past couple of months.

The New Chorus.fm Logo

Chorus.fm Logo

When I drew the AbsolutePunk.net logo all those years ago, I never imagined how many places it would end up. I can’t tell you how many times we needed to shrink it down, or blow it up, or put it on a colored background, and I’d end up laughing at the little red splatters while having no real idea what to do with them. When I started building Chorus I had a color scheme I loved, but I was never able to settle on a logo that felt right. I tried a few different things before deciding to punt and launch with the word mark while using a blue and white “C.FM” placeholder. I wanted to make sure that this time I thought through everything. That if we had a logo, it was something I felt could stand the test of time and was a true representation of this new website.

I had a few goals in mind: I wanted something that represented the website, was easy to recognize, could be used in very large or very small sizes and still be distinguishable, could be used in virtually any color, or even monochrome if needed, and I was looking for something that had a familiar relationship with both our word mark and the Encore podcast logo. And more than anything, I was looking for that feeling of joy when I saw it — that feeling of, “yep, that’s it.” After working with the same designer that helped birth the Encore logo, I know that we found exactly what I was looking for.

Read More “The New Chorus.fm Logo”

One Month

It’s been a little over a month since we launched Chorus.fm and it feels great to be getting into the swing of things a little more. In our first month, we bolted right past 5 million pageviews and we’re now coming up on 150,000 posts in the forum by well over 7,000 members. It’s been a lot of fun watching the roll-out of new Blink-182 with the community and it’s amazing, and kinda hilarious, how fast that thread exploded (7,000 posts, over 200,000 views).

I just want to give a quick plug for our membership program and again extend my dearest thank you to everyone that’s signed up so far. The supporter forum has been my favorite place to hang out recently and all the conversations about life, music, and doing a few “have a beer and live blog about new music” nights this week have been devilishly fun.

Also, I’m currently booking up advertisements for this month, so please get in touch if you have a product or service you’d like to put in front of our engaged and ever-growing audience.

Read More “One Month”

Last Call for AbsolutePunk Pin Pre-Orders

AP.net Logo Pin (Gold)

This is the last week we’re going to have pre-orders up for the AbsolutePunk.net commemorative logo pin through Hard Rock’s Online Rock Shop. So, if you want one of these little guys, now is the time to make sure you get your order in. This entire thing has been a lot of fun and introduced me into the world of pin collecting. I didn’t even know this was a thing until we put this together. Now I’m seeing them everywhere, and if my favorite bands start putting these out my wallet may be in trouble. I mean, I already saw the limited edition Portland Timbers one and kinda want it. If Blink put out one of their logo? Or a little floating Brand New spaceman? Yeah, I’d have no idea where I’d even store them and I’d want all the pins. But I digress.

Last call for pre-orders on Hard Rock’s Online Rock Shop.