Tom DeLonge on Why UFO Research Just Might Save Mankind

Tom DeLonge

Rolling Stone:

But since DeLonge parted ways with Blink-182 in 2015, his interest in extraterrestrials has become more than a hobby. “The more I got into it, the more I realized it was all real,” he tells Rolling Stone. “Then I was like, ‘OK, what am I going to do about it?'” So he started spreading the word. He began creating a multi-part, multi-platform rollout of an entirely new philosophy, one based on the theory that aliens have been visiting Earth for most of our species’ existence – and the only way for us to have a prosperous future on the planet is if we take that into account, and soon.

That sure is a headline.

Tom DeLonge: “They Have Someone Doing My Job for Me”

Tom DeLonge

Tom DeLonge talked with the San Diego Tribune:

“Blink is in my DNA,” he said, suggesting an eventual reunion is likely. “I talk to Travis quite a bit and we try and figure out how and when it’s going to make sense.

“It’s not like I (permanently) walked away. They have someone doing my job for me (in blink). It’s just that I’m so busy. If I wanted to, I could be back (in blink) in a period of days.”

From a business perspective, DeLonge never left blink.

“I still own the band,” he noted, before quickly clarifying that he, Hoppus and Barker “own everything” blink-related.

Now I just can’t stop humming “I Could if I Wanted To.”

Tom DeLonge to Direct New Sci-Fi Feature ‘Strange Times’

Tom DeLonge

The Hollywood Reporter has the news that Tom DeLonge will be directing the upcoming sci-fi- feature Strange Times:

The Blink-182 founder is set to direct a sci-fi feature that centers on a rebellious group of San Diego skateboarders, who take it upon themselves to investigate extreme paranormal activity around town, only to embark on an adventure that they could have never imagined.


DeLonge’s band, Angels & Airwaves, will record new, original music for the film, which is slated to begin production in the fall.

Tom DeLonge Comments on Leaked Emails

Tom DeLonge

Tom DeLonge has commented on Instagram about some of his emails showing up on Wikileaks:

Wikileaks really messed some important stuff up. What seems like ridiculous subject matter to most, is of massive importance to admirable National Security Leadership. It’s easy to poke fun about the topic from an armchair, but unless you’re invited to the meetings I have been a part of, then…no more laughing. Big things are coming. Project is still on, believe it or not, things just got bigger.

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Tom DeLonge Shows Up in Wikileaks

Tom DeLonge

Emails from Tom DeLonge show up in the latest round of published documents from Wikileaks. This email is between Tom DeLonge and John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman, are about exactly what you would expect:

Tom DeLonge here, The one who interviewed you for that special documentary not to long ago.

Things are moving with the project. The Novels, Films and NonFiction works are blooming and finishing. Just had a preliminary meeting with Spielberg’s Chief Operating Officer at DreamWorks. More meetings are now on the books-

I would like to bring two very “important” people out to meet you in DC. I think you will find them very interesting, as they were principal leadership relating to our sensitive topic. Both were in charge of most fragile divisions, as it relates to Classified Science and DOD topics. Other words, these are A-Level officials. Worth our time, and as well the investment to bring all the way out to you. I just need 2 hours from you. Just looking to have a casual, and private conversation in person.

Oh, and for the record: Hillary does want more transparency on aliens.

The Pursuit of Tone Featuring Tom DeLonge

Tom DeLonge

The trailer for Ernie Ball’s The Pursuit of Tone featuring Tom DeLonge has been released.

Experience the stories behind Tom’s early influences in the San Diego skate scene to his sonic evolution from Blink 182 to Box Car Racer and Angels and Airwaves as well as his passion for film, novels, animation and constant artistic exploration.

The 90 minute documentary premieres August 19th at 8pm et/pt exclusively on Audience Music.

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Tom DeLonge’s Continued Search for Aliens

Tom DeLonge

Tom DeLonge of Angels and Airwaves spoke with

Well it’s not so much about Blink. It’s about what I’m doing with my life now. When you’re an individual like me, dealing with something that’s a national security issue, and you’re being gifted with the opportunity to communicate something you’ve been passionate about your whole life — something that has the opportunity to change the world over time — being a small part of that is enormously important for my life path.

But I can’t do everything. I can’t tour nine months out of the year with enough time to do the enormity of what I’m setting out to do.

Tom DeLonge Comments on New Blink-182

Tom DeLonge

Tom DeLonge has taken to Facebook to comment on the current Blink-182 situation. You can find the entire post below, but one excerpt stood out to me:

For one, I think partnering with a song-writer on the Blink album (Feldy- 5 Seconds of Summer, Good Charlotte) was too far a change, but something they desired, and that in itself may be an indicator of some of our current artistic differences that are difficult to overcome. I guess I’ve always just liked the song-writing we did together. But, at the end of the day, I support their desires. And if they are happy, then that’s what matters.

I think kinda throwing John Feldmann under the bus here is a dick move, but more so I continue to hate the meme that shows up from time-to-time that writing music with an outside source is inherently inferior. If you sit down to write music and bounce ideas around with a friend, that’s seen as totally legit. But the moment you give that friend credit on the song, or give them money for their work, somehow that’s now seen as less. I think that mentality is silly.

I’m glad to see Tom is working on his own projects and is finding happiness in all of his art and different endeavors. I also think Blink-182 is better than ever. I think it’s ok for both of these things to co-exist.

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Tom DeLonge Talks With Rolling Stone, Says He’s Still in Blink-182

Tom DeLonge

Tom DeLonge has given a new interview with Rolling Stone about aliens, UFOs, and stuff like that. You’d think that would be the strangest part of the interview. It’s not. When discussing Blink-182, Tom says (emphasis added):

“I love those guys,” he continues, “The only thing I think about is, I want them to be happy. [But] I don’t want the legacy of the band to get fucked with. I do care about that. I don’t want an incredible legacy to be ruined.” Still, he says, he’s not closing the door on playing with them again. “I’m not opposed to it. I still would be interested, if people would just pick up the phone and call.” (Confusingly, DeLonge gets in touch with Rolling Stone a few weeks later saying, “I am currently in the band.” He maintains that he has never officially quit or been fired.)