On the End of Yellowcard


Evan Lucy has a nice interview and feature on the end of Yellowcard over at Alternative Press:

The sense of finality led Key to approach writing Yellowcard from a different angle lyrically, as well. The singer felt especially galvanized by the ability to have the album’s lyrics serve as his farewell to friends, fans and family, and he challenged himself to use each song to express a different sentiment of saying goodbye. Some, like the affecting wistfulness of “Empty Street” (“Boxing up the fireworks/cancel my parade/the street is empty tonight”) and album closer “Fields & Fences,” complete with a goosebump-inducing orchestral outro, find him staring down his rapidly approaching future as Yellowcard’s ex-frontman, while the fiery “Savior’s Robes”—with its biting chorus, “Play us a song I know/Make it an older one”—seems aimed at those who’d prefer the band’s Ocean Avenue selves be fossilized forever.

Trying to read the article and having an Ice Nine Kills video pop up in my face sure was fun.

The Ultimate Yellowcard Setlist


Last week Yellowcard made the announcement that their forthcoming self-titled album would also be their last. After nearly 20 years, the pop punk outfit has decided to call it quits. So it only seemed fitting that we use this week’s playlist to honor the band and take a look back at their long and noteworthy career.

As always, the rules are 22 songs and a two song encore. Check out the full track listing below and stream the playlist on Spotify and Apple Music.

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Yellowcard Stream New Song; Say Goodbye


I knew this day was coming and I still find myself getting a little emotional finally having to make the post. After years of covering Yellowcard, it’s time to say goodbye. The band are now streaming their new single, “Rest in Peace,” and have announced that their new self-titled album will be the band’s final release. You’ll find an announcement from the band, a press release about the upcoming album, tour dates for the band’s final tour, and the song to stream, below. Pre-orders for the album are up on their website.

I’m sure there will be much to write and say about the band in the future, but for the moment I just want to say: thank you. It’s been a wild ride and I’ve loved being able to see the band’s rise to fame, comeback, and to be able to experience the past 15 or so years with your music. It’s been an absolute pleasure.

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Review: Yellowcard – Lift a Sail

Yellowcard - Lift a Sail

When I sat down to write this review, I found myself staring at Microsoft Word’s blinking cursor for at least 10 minutes, coming up blank. That’s not a common occurrence for me. Usually, when I write a review, it comes out fully formed, all in one sitting. But how could I review an album such as this? What could I say that would speak to the experiences of other listeners and not just my own? The struggle was born from the fact that Yellowcard’s last album, Southern Air, became one of the most personal records in my life two years ago. That album came out toward the end of summer 2012, the summer before my senior year in college. It was my last summer in my hometown, my last summer before the real world set in, and songs like “Southern Air” and “Always Summer” just felt so fitting. Suffice to say that listening to an album that ends with the line “this will always be home” is particularly resonant when you’re driving away and don’t really know where your next “home” is going to be.

Needless to say, Southern Air is my favorite Yellowcard album, and probably always will be. I connected with it like people older than me connected with Ocean Avenue back in 2003, and I was worried that, like them, I’d have to deal with a follow-up that completely misplaced the magic of its predecessor. But while Lift a Sail, Yellowcard’s latest record, is a departure from the anthemic beachside sound of the band’s last couple albums, it isn’t a departure in the same way 2006’s Lights and Sounds was. Sure, both records shift in a more “rock” focused direction, both are darker than their predecessors, and both are highly ambitious. The difference is that, where Lights and Sound was directionless and dull, Lift a Sail is the portrait of a band that has more to say right now than at any other point in their career.

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Interview: Ryan Key of Yellowcard


My relationship with Yellowcard begins over a decade ago and the musical connection and ensuing friendship now runs deeper and longer than many of my “in real life” relationships. On October 7th, 2014 the band will be releasing their most ambitious album to date, Lift a Sail. I had the chance to sit down and talk with lead singer Ryan Key about everything that went into crafting this album, the stories and inspiration behind the musical direction, and so much more.

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Review: Yellowcard – Ocean Avenue (Acoustic)

Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue (Acoustic)

Welcome back to another round of the AP.net Roundtable – an article revolving around a much-anticipated album and the discussion it inspires amongst a handful of staff members. Today’s roundtable article features Jason Tate, Craig Manning, Ryan Gardner, Cody Nelson and myself discussing Yellowcard’s latest release, Ocean Avenue Acoustic. Throughout the discussion we touched on which renditions were executed the best, favorite moments on the release, and why this album has affected so many pop-punk fans. So pick up your copy of Ocean Avenue Acoustic, put the needle down, and check out the latest AP.net Roundtable discussion in the replies. – Drew Beringer

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Yellowcard – “Ocean Avenue” Acoustic (Video Premiere)


Yesterday was the ten year anniversary of Yellowcard’s breakthrough album, Ocean Avenue. On August 13th, the band will be releasing a special acoustic album featuring all thirteen Ocean Avenue tracks. Today, we’re premiering the first video from Ocean Avenue Acoustic of the song that changed everything for the band – “Ocean Avenue.” I’ve been listening to the acoustic album for a little while now and each song is incredibly well-done, with this track being one of the standouts. You can also pre-order Ocean Avenue Acousticon iTunes for only $7.99 and it comes with an instant download of this song. If you’re a vinyl guy like me, you can also pick this up on wax here. The band is also heading out on tour in September, so check to see if it’s coming near you and purchase tickets here. So check out the video in the replies and let us know what you think about this new rendition.

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