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Five Finger Death Punch Being Sued by Label


TMZ is reporting that Five Finger Death Punch are being sued by their own record label.

Five Finger Death Punch is trying to crank out new songs before its lead singer ends up in rehab — or worse — but that haste is making for some really crappy music, according to their own record label. Prospect Park filed a lawsuit against the heavy metal rockers, saying the band is “shamelessly attempting to cash in before the anticipated downfall of their addicted bandmate.”

The band has responded:

Prospect Park has chosen to sue us, hold us for ransom and squeeze extra money out of its contract rights by attempting to sell an interest in future recordings. What’s worse is that Prospect Park very deliberately filed their meritless lawsuit the same week we are trying put our fall co-headlining arena tour on sale.

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Blink-182 – “Bored to Death”

Blink-182 - "Bored to Death"

Today we get our first taste of new Blink-182. Not just new music from the band but also our first glimpse at what Blink now sounds like with the addition of Matt Skiba. You can stream the song below. Holy shit.

Update: It looks like the video, which was definitely official, has been pulled from YouTube after going live “accidentally.” If you got in early (or are one of the bazillion that probably ripped it), lucky you! The song will premiere on KROQ tomorrow at 7:00am (PST). Feel free to come join us in the forums and in this post’s thread to talk about the new music. I’m going to leave this post up for the rest of today and tomorrow to point people to the forums and will edit in the official stream when it goes live again.

Update #2: The band has moved up the premiere of the song to 4:30pm PST on KROQ. I will update this post with the official stream when it goes live but any new news will be getting its own post.

Update #3: The song is back up.

Read More “Blink-182 – “Bored to Death””

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Tom DeLonge Talks With Rolling Stone, Says He’s Still in Blink-182

Tom DeLonge

Tom DeLonge has given a new interview with Rolling Stone about aliens, UFOs, and stuff like that. You’d think that would be the strangest part of the interview. It’s not. When discussing Blink-182, Tom says (emphasis added):

“I love those guys,” he continues, “The only thing I think about is, I want them to be happy. [But] I don’t want the legacy of the band to get fucked with. I do care about that. I don’t want an incredible legacy to be ruined.” Still, he says, he’s not closing the door on playing with them again. “I’m not opposed to it. I still would be interested, if people would just pick up the phone and call.” (Confusingly, DeLonge gets in touch with Rolling Stone a few weeks later saying, “I am currently in the band.” He maintains that he has never officially quit or been fired.)

Netflix to Release ‘Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later”

Lesley Goldberg, writing for The Hollywood Reporter, on the news that Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later is confirmed for a Netflix release:

The Wet Hot: Ten marks the second Netflix follow-up to the movie. The streaming giant last year released the eight-episode Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp, a prequel series featuring the movie’s original stars. The new incarnation will again be written by Showalter and Wain, with the latter on board to direct. Showalter, Wain, Peter Principato, Jonathan Stern and Howard Bernstein are set to exec produce.

Read More “Netflix to Release ‘Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later””

Holy Ghost! – “Compass Point”

Holy Ghost!

Holy Ghost!’s new song “Compass Point” is streaming on NPR.

“Compass Point” was a working title that stuck. “Sometimes we’ll tag a song with a reference to how it feels and give it a proper title later,” Millhiser says. “When we first figured out the rhythm section for this track, it sounded like something that was made at that studio: funky, Grace Jones-style s***. It had flow.”

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