Inside “Emojigeddon”


Charlie Warzel, writing for BuzzFeed News, with an oddly fascinating tale of trouble and political infighting at the Unicode Consortium (the people that get to define what gets to be an emoji or not):

The series of frustrated messages show a deepening rift between those who adhere to the organization’s original mission to code old and obscure and minority languages and those who are investing time and resources toward Unicode’s newer and most popular character sets: emojis, a quirky periodic table of ideograms and smiley faces that cover everything from bemused laughter to swirling, smiling piles of poop. The correspondence offers a peek behind the scenes of the peculiar and little-known organization that’s unexpectedly been tasked with building what some see as the first digital universal language.

Bring on stuffed flatbread!

Dustin Kensrue Talks Lyric Themes of New Album


Dustin Kensrue of Thrice talked with BaebleMusic about the band’s upcoming album and some of the themes expressed throughout:

I would definitely say that we’ve drawn a lot of our influence from the current state of politics, but I also like to personalize things when I write, and I’ve always written that way. I’d say on the new album that half of the songs are like ‘Blood on the Sand,’ and bring out that much more hard-hitting political dialogue, especially given that it’s an election year, but I’d also say that we try to write beyond the politics of issues. Maybe it’s more that we’re writing about something broader, like society…culture even. I feel that my writing is about the way I take in what’s going on within society, and the importance I feel about certain issues leads me to doing my own personal research on them, which often translates into a song. One of the political issues we talk about in this album is the song ‘Whistleblower,’ which is about Edward Snowden, and then there’s the song ‘Black Honey,’ which delves into the political as well.