Of Mice & Men’s Austin Carlile Talks About His Heart Surgery

Of Mice and Men

Austin Carlile from Of Mice & Men spoke with Christina O’Neill at Team Rock about how he was “clinically dead for three hours” during heart surgery:

It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through. It’s hard to go through something like that that’s dangerous in general, and just to not know if you’re gonna be there, four, five or six hours later. When I had my heart surgery, my heart was stopped.

“They put my head in a whole thing of ice, to stop your brain activity, you’re dead. I was clinically dead for three hours while they did the procedure.

Interview: The Color Morale at the APMAs (Video)

The Color Morale

The Color Morale continue their rise in the scene with a packed stage every night on Warped Tour and will be releasing their new album Desolate Devine on August 19th. I was able to they chat briefly with the band on the APMA red carpet. Lead singer, Garret Rapp helped present the Artist Philanthropic Award, which was given to one of Rapp’s favorite groups, Heartsupport.

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