Kara Swisher on What’s Wrong (And Right) With the Media

Kara Swisher on What’s Wrong (And Right) With the Media

Jeff Wise, writing at the New York Magazine:

[P]eople in Silicon Valley really think of themselves as world-changing, good people: “We know best because we’re so smart. And obviously we’re rich, so we know best.” So what you get is, if you write something that’s positive, they say, “Oooh, good journalism,” and if you write something tough, they’ll say, “Oh, that’s clickbait.” (That’s Trump’s favorite word now.) So if anything is even slightly critical they call it clickbait and they either get mad and deny access or they go right to Peter Thiel–ville, which is an appalling example of someone who clearly was wounded by press, doesn’t like that they wrote he was gay … and then pretended he was funding a lawsuit against Gawker for philanthropy. I don’t mind a good revenge plot, but I wish he would just say, “I don’t like that they did this to me and I’m getting back at them.” But his whole speech about how he’s helping humanity by putting this media company out of business is sort of the logical conclusion of people being very sensitive about things that are written about them.

A really interesting interview.

What Have You Been Listening to Over the Past Month?


I recently came across a Last.fm collage generator that lets you put in your Last.fm username and it’ll spit out a graphic of the albums you’ve been listening to over a given period of time. Personally, I like the 5×5 rendition that shows what I’ve been listening to over the past month.

I’m curious — what have you been listening to over the past month? Hit the little quote bubble1 to jump the forums and share your latest obsessions. I’ve been on a huge Tiger Army kick.

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  1. Or just let me know on Twitter.

Instagram Adds “Stories”


Josh Constine, writing at TechCrunch:

People only post the highlights of their life on Instagram, so today the app adds its own version of “Stories” to poach goofy, off-the-cuff, everyday content from Snapchat. It works exactly like Snapchat Stories, allowing you to post 24-hour ephemeral photo and video slideshows that disappear. But because Instagram Stories appear at the top of the old feed, your followers will inevitably see them without you needing to build a new audience in a different app.

I mean, yeah, it is a clone of Snapchat’s feature, but it is also exactly why I post rarely to Instagram and post stupid things all the time on Snapchat.