Terrence Malik to Release ‘Song to Song’ in March

Terrence Malik’s new film, Song to Song, will be released in March of 2017:

In this modern love story set against the Austin, Texas music scene, two entangled couples — struggling songwriters Faye (Rooney Mara) and BV (Ryan Gosling), and music mogul Cook (Michael Fassbender) and the waitress whom he ensnares (Natalie Portman) — chase success through a rock ‘n’ roll landscape of seduction and betrayal.

Ok, I’m in.

Subscription Streaming Grew in 2016


BuzzAngle have released their annual report that tracks U.S. music consumption:

The continued explosion of audio stream consumption, which increased 82.6% to 250B streams, fueled this increase. Both album sales and song sales continued to decline but the transition to these new access methods has shown to provide overall growth and a sustainable business model for the future. Breaking down the tremendous streaming growth shows what is perhaps the most important stat of the year: the percentage of subscription streams rose from 62% of the total in 2015 to 76% of the total in 2016. The number of 2016 subscription streams grew over 2.25x the 2015 subscription streams amount.

I’m not sure I agree with the premise that this proves streaming is a “sustainable business model for the future,” but the trend lines are in the right direction and I think more artists and labels are figuring out how to use the streaming services to their benefit.

OmniFocus Adds Global Search


OmniGroup have released OmniFocus 2.8 for Mac:

Happy New Year! After a quiet couple of weeks, we are back in the office today and releasing OmniFocus 2.8 for Mac, which includes one of our most requested features: Global Search.

Great new addition to the most important app I use.

More From Keith Buckley on The Damned Things

Alternative Press

Keith Buckley talked with Alternative Press about The Damned Things working on new material:

“While we have more than enough material for an EP, we are still very much in the “demo” phase,” he told AP, “rearranging riffs and trying different things vocally. And though it’s a little too early to say what the next release will sound like comprehensively, we’ve taken a different approach to writing this time around. Things are more atmospheric and weirder. We’ve loosened up a bit and learned to let our major influences speak. In that way, it’s the truest sound we’re capable of,” said Buckley.