Review: Ryan Adams – Prisoner

Prisoner - Ryan Adams

Ryan Adams made what was, to my ears, his best record ever with 2014’s self-titled effort. More diverse and consistent than Heartbreaker and less bloated than Gold, Love Is Hell, and Cold Roses, Ryan Adams was a tight, taut, and tense collection of songs that saw Adams dealing with the loss of his grandmother and the pressures of a troubled marriage. Two and a half years later, the once-prolific Adams returns with the proper follow-up to his self-titled record, and it’s the closest he’s ever come to making a sequel. Prisoner carries many of the sonic and lyrical hallmarks of its predecessor, from the reverb-heavy production to the clear influence of 1980s Springsteen and Petty records. “Do You Still Love Me,” the opener and lead single, even bears a strong resemblance to the last record’s first track, “Gimme Something Good.”

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Former Vocalist for Get Scared Arrested


The Daily Ridge is reporting that former Get Scared vocalist Joel Faviere was arrested in an undercover child pornography sting:

Detectives received information that someone operating a device located in Faviere’s home was sharing files that contain child pornography. Detectives responded to the home on Buck Run Drive, and during an on-scene preview of his computer equipment they seized, detectives found over 4,500 files containing child pornography, including images of infants and toddlers being sexually abused. Faviere told detectives he has been viewing child pornography for a year and that it “has become an addiction.”

I’m Donating to RAINN Today

Today’s a great day to donate to RAINN, just throwing that out there.

RAINN is the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline in partnership with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country and operates the DoD Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help victims, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.

Support that which brings joy and goodness into the world. Support that which helps people. With all the evil lurking in the shadows, I urge everyone to reject it from our music scene.

Queens of the Stoned Age

Suketu Mehta, writing for GQ:

There are a thousand ways to buy weed in New York City, but the Green Angels devised a novel strategy for standing out: They hired models to be their dealers. In the eight years since the group was founded—by a blonde, blue-eyed Mormon ex-model—they’ve never been busted, and the business has grown into a multimillion-dollar operation. Suketu Mehta spent months embedded with them at their headquarters and out on their delivery routes to see where this great experiment in American entrepreneurship might lead.

This entire article is fascinating.