Travis Barker Appears on “The Doctors”

Travis Barker

Travis Barker of Blink-182 appeared on the TV show “The Doctors” on Monday to talk about recovering from a deadly plane crash in 2008. Some clips from the show can be seen on Huffington Post:

“The doctors said, ‘You’re probably going to be on most of these drugs for the rest of your life because you went through such a horrific experience, and you’re dealing with bipolar disorder. You’ll probably never play drums again, you’ll never run again,’” he recalled on the program this week.

“Then the challenge was in my mind just to prove them wrong,” he said. “I had to wean myself off of every drug, start playing the drums immediately, run, and then I became even healthier than I ever was before the plane accident.”

An Oral History of ‘No Pads, No Helmets…Just Balls’

Simple Plan

Simple Plan did a little oral history of No Pads, No Helmets…Just Balls over at Alt Press:

That record could have taken, at the most, two months to make; it took a year. We were living in very close quarters, sleeping in a windowless room with bunkbeds. We were cooking for ourselves, which is normal, but nobody knew how to cook, so it was horrible. It was a tedious process. Arnold had this vision where he would say, “You guys record yourself, I’m going to come back and criticize and edit it,” and that’s exactly what he’d do. He would leave us days at a time in the studio, I would record the whole album, he would come back and be, like, “Yeah, you could do better,” and scratch everything I did. It was frustrating.

Reset was still better.