Panic! at the Disco Top Tour Charts

Billboard reports that Panic! at the Disco has one of the highest grossing tours so far this year:

First-quarter box office counts from the tour, reported by promoter Live Nation, show that 247,447 tickets were sold at arenas in 25 American cities from the beginning of the trek through the end of March, with revenue from those concerts landing at $11.7 million.

The tour continued into April, though, with 11 more performances before the finale. Adding gross estimates from those concerts yet to be reported, the overall box office take was about $17 million when the tour closed. About 350,000 fans saw the Death of a Bachelor Tour during its run.

Matt Healy Talks With The Times

Matt Healy of The 1975 sat down with The Times:

“Well, that whole ‘I don’t give a shit’ thing has never really gone far with me,” he says. “It’s why indie is my most hated [music] scene — a scene where you pretend you don’t care in order to not get judged on how bad you are as a musician. But times have moved on. I’m a privileged middle-class kid from Macclesfield. I can’t pretend to be what I’m not.”

Memorial Day


Today is Memorial Day here in the states, so we’ll be on a more relaxed posting schedule throughout the day. I’d like to take a moment to thank all of the service men and women that read this site for all that you do.

Review: Bleachers – Gone Now

Bleachers - Gone Now

This first impression was originally posted as a live blog for supporters in our forums on May 28th, 2017. First impressions are meant to be quick, fun, initial impressions on an album or release as I listen to it for the first time. It’s a running commentary written while listening to an album — not a review. More like a diary of thoughts. This post has been lightly edited for structure and flow.

I hope everyone is having a nice Memorial weekend, or at the very least is staying cool and relaxing just a little bit. It’s been a pretty nice one here so far — quite hot. I’m currently downing a big glass of water. I got a bit of work done and spent a lot of today being super lazy and reading Batman comics and napping. Can’t complain much about that kinda day.

So, as the sun starts to sort of set over here, I thought this would be the perfect time to do a first listen live blog for the new album from Bleachers. I’ve been looking forward to this from the moment I first heard this album, because it just feels like the kinda album that we’re all going to be talking about for a good part of the year and we’re going to be deconstructing and coming back to for years to come. It’s quite good and it definitely lived up to my lofty expectations. It’s a pop album with heart, smarts, and panache.

Read More “Bleachers – Gone Now”

Mossberg: The Disappearing Computer

Walt Mossberg has penned the last column of his career for Recode:

But just because you’re not seeing amazing new consumer tech products on Amazon, in the app stores, or at the Apple Store or Best Buy, that doesn’t mean the tech revolution is stuck or stopped. In fact, it’s just pausing to conquer some major new territory. And, if it succeeds, the results could be as big or bigger than the first consumer PCs were in the 1970s, or even the web in the 1990s and smartphones in the first decade of this century.

Thanks for everything Walt!