Zack Snyder Steps Down From ‘Justice League’ to Deal With Family Tragedy

Zack Snyder is stepping away from the Justice League movie in the wake of a family tragedy. Borys Kit, writing for The Hollywood Reporter:

Snyder tells The Hollywood Reporter he is stepping away from Justice League, Warner Bros.’ all-star DC Comics superhero mega-movie that is in postproduction, in order to deal with the sudden death of his daughter. Snyder’s wife, Deborah Snyder, who is a producer on Justice League, also is taking a break to focus on the healing of their family.

Ryan Key to Write Venom Comic Book


Ryan Key of Yellowcard will be writing an upcoming issue for the comic book character Venom. He talked with Marvel about the character and his history with the stories:

I was beyond excited when I found out I was going to get to work with Venom for my first ever attempt at writing a comic. I don’t know if you can count the comics I wrote and drew during class as a kid. Spider-Man was a huge part of my childhood and Venom has always been, without a doubt, one of my all-time favorite villains in the Marvel Universe. I feel like Logan has always had a “dark side” himself and this version of him in his older age where he slips into this apathy we saw in the first [“Old Man Logan”], provided an opportunity to fuse him with the symbiote and awaken that rage we’ve always seen from him. Just the thought of Wolverine in a Venom suit was more than enough to get me on board for this!

Fatalities After Incident at Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester

Ariana Grande

There has been an explosion at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.

There are fatalities following an incident at Manchester Arena in England on Monday, according to local police.

In a Facebook post, Greater Manchester Police released the following statement: “Emergency services are currently responding to reports of an explosion at Manchester Arena. There are a number of confirmed fatalities and others injured. Please AVOID the area as first responders work tirelessly at the scene. Details of a casualty bureau will follow as soon as available.”