Blast from the Past: My End of Year Lists from 2005-2015 Heart

Yesterday, I posted about finding and recreating all of the best of lists from 2005-2015. In an incredible turn of events, a reader actually had saved all of my personal best of lists and sent them to me. I didn’t have anything earlier than 2011 and I thought these were lost to time.1 I am extremely happy to be able to add them back into the database for posterity.

These are a nostalgia trip. I’ll have to write more about my decision making process, from what I can remember of these eras, at some point, but for now I’m just happy to have them back on our “End of the Year” page.

  1. The era before I was doing any kind of regular back-ups, let alone keeping everything I write in text files on my computer.

Review: Off Road Minivan – Swan Dive

Off Road Minivan - Swan Dive

Let me introduce you to Tooth & Nail Records’ latest great find in Red Hook, New York’s own Off Road Minivan. This five-piece band is led by charismatic bassist/vocalist Ryan Tuck O’Leary and features a triple-guitar attack of Melvin Brinson, Dave Trimboli, and Miles Sweeny. Rounding out the band is an underrated drummer in Evan Garcia Renart. On their debut full-length album, Swan Dive, Off Road Minivan described this record as a love letter of sorts to the bands that influenced their sound. “For us, this album touches on the sounds that made us want to play in the first place – an alternative rock landscape from early 00’s emo to grunge influence,” the band shares. “We aren’t here to teach any defining life lesson, just trying to sing about the ones we’ve experienced.” Their debut features flashes of greatness and is reminiscent of bands such as Anberlin, Hawthorne Heights, and Young Guns.

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Carly Rae Jepsen Made a Quarantine Album

Carly Rae Jepsen

Carly Rae Jepsen casually confirmed in the Switched On Pop podcast that she’s made a quarantine album:

It is very different, it’s kind of fun! We had to do it around Zoom or things like that so it’s been like a challenge but a really fun one! You kind of write differently that way. You have more time to have space inbetween the decisions you’re making and more time to kind of be away from the song for a minute, so I find it to be a whole new style of going at it, and I like it.

(H/T Stereogum)

Blast From the Past: Old Best of Lists

When I re-designed the new website and put together the new “End of the Year” feature page, I added a bunch of old lists from the AbsolutePunk days as well. They’re a lot of fun to read back through and remember the albums, remember the arguments, and see which ones have held up and which ones are hilariously all over the place.

UPDATE • May 28, 2020

Big news: I’ve been able to recreate all of the lists, in the correct order. With a special shoutout to sosplatano in the forums for helping me figure out the holes in 2012.

UPDATE #2 • May 28, 2020

In an incredible turn of events, a reader had saved all of my personal best of lists and has sent them to me. Those have now also been added back into the database.

Canvas Prints Make Good Wall Decorations

Hayley Williams

Over the weekend, I shared a photo of one of the walls in our home on Instagram. The photo is of the large wall in our living room area adorned with three large canvas prints of some of my favorite musicians. I first did this when I moved downtown in August of 2012, and I shared some of the photos and process back on and my old Tumblr (remember Tumblr?). After all of the questions and comments on the social media posts, I realized I didn’t have a good article to link people to that answered the basics any longer. Plus, phone cameras have come a long way since 2012.

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