Interview: Jesse Barnett of Trade Wind

Trade Winds

Recently I was able to connect with lead vocalist of Trade Wind, Jesse Barnett, before his band’s release of their new album called The Day We Got What We Deserved. The album comes out this Friday via Other People Records and we discussed everything that went into the new record. I asked Jesse about Trade Wind’s strengths, what they draw on for inspiration, and what stood out most looking back on these writing sessions.

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Demi Lovato Comes Out As Non-Binary

Demi Lovato


The 28-year-old pop singer discussed their gender fluidity during an episode of their new podcast 4D with Demi Lovato. “Over the past year and a half I’ve been doing some healing and self-reflective work,” Lovato explained. “And through this work, I’ve had the revelation that I identify as nonbinary.”

Lovato said that changing their pronouns to they/them “best represents the fluidity I feel in my gender expression and allows me to feel most authentic and true to the person I both know I am and still am discovering.”