Bonsai Trees – “Not Better” (Song Premiere)

Bonsai Trees

Today I’m thrilled to share the latest single from Bonsai Trees, led by the charismatic lead vocalist James MacPherson, “Not Better” is a song about finding ways to improve your outlook on healing. MacPherson shared:

”Not Better” is about healing at your own pace, healing from trauma is a non-linear rollercoaster of a process that requires support, love and understanding from the people around you. When the people in your life want to control you and create the idea of you that they want to see, they’ll lead you down the wrong path, tell you what’s good for you, when only YOU know what you need to heal. For me this song is about taking back my independence and becoming a more true version of myself in the face of a lot of adversity. Overcoming the control others think they have on you is crucial to your authenticity.

By preparing for healing while still maintaining their artistic credibility, Bonsai Trees may very well be on the cusp of self-discovery. If you’re enjoying the new single, please consider pre-ordering the band’s new EP called Mine here.

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Review: Beautiful Machines – “Baum Baum”

The latest single from electronica band Beautiful Machines comes from their upcoming full-length record Singularity and is called “Baum Baum.” The word “baum” translates to tree and symbolizes finding new life/purpose in this crazy world we live in. The band mentioned, “During WWII, German military transmitted encoded messages with a device called an Enigma machine, which was said to have a code impossible to break. At the same time, the story of Babel explains the origins of the multiplicity of languages. Today, people live in these thought bubbles, finding digital tribes that support and reinforce whatever we think and believe, creating information silos. So, dialogue, in some sense, between people with differing opinions is becoming scarcer, which can ultimately lead to complete breakdown in communication, disinformation and programmed behavior – perhaps even war if we aren’t careful.” With a sound that strays somewhere between the heavy synths of NIN and the pop sensibilities of Tokio Hotel, Beautiful Machines could very well be your next favorite band in the electronica genre.

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State of the Secretary – “Astray” (Video Premiere)

State of the Secretary

Today I’m excited to share the latest music video from indie rock band State of the Secretary, for their single “Astray.” The band comes from the brain-trust of multi-instrumentalist and vocalist Isaac Anderson, and he uses his fondness for music by The Cure and The Smiths to create songs that linger somewhere between the modern flair of The Killers and The National. Anderson shared this about the latest track from his upcoming full-length record:

“Astray” was a bit of a departure from my typical songwriting. It was written, recorded, and mixed in my bedroom, over the course of a few hours. I knew it had a feel that I loved, and it is one of my favorites on the album. The video is also very special to me. I collaborated with director Griffin Davis to create something that captured the song’s message/feel. I’m so excited for it to be out in the world!”

With his sets sight on creating music that makes the audience feel something, State of the Secretary are one of those bands to keep a keen eye as the year unfolds.

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The Used Cancel Festival Shows

The Used

The Used have canceled their upcoming festival shows:

I have always been open about my struggle with mental health and have recently found myself facing new and overwhelming challenges. For this reason, I won’t be able to play the upcoming shows at Slam Dunk. I am so sorry but needed to make this decision to focus on professional treatment and self-care. Performing live for The Used fans is one of my greatest joys, and I can’t imagine doing anything else. We have the best fans in the world, thank you for your undying support.

With Love, Robbie and The Used