Spotify Announces More Layoffs

Spotify has announced they are laying off 1,500 people:

This brings me to a decision that will mean a significant step change for our company. To align Spotify with our future goals and ensure we are right-sized for the challenges ahead, I have made the difficult decision to reduce our total headcount by approximately 17% across the company. I recognize this will impact a number of individuals who have made valuable contributions. To be blunt, many smart, talented and hard-working people will be departing us.

Meanwhile, the stock spiked on the news so the CFO cashed in.

Pale Waves Working on New Album

Pale Waves

Pale Waves are working on a new album:

So all of my attention and energy is going into writing and recording our best album yet. Ultimately, that’s about building a world that feels like Pale Waves, while also feeling completely different to anywhere we’ve inhabited before. We’re creating another universe for our fans to explore, and for us to live in for a moment.

Night Windows – “Something Simple” (Song Premiere)

Night Windows

Today I’m thrilled to bring everyone an early listen to alternative rock band, Night Windows, new single called “Something Simple.” With a sound that fits well within the realm of indie rock bands like Death Cab for Cutie, plus the emotional attachment of lyrics like Bright Eyes, Night Windows are breaking through at just the right moment in time. Taken from their upcoming 2024 LP titled In Memories, “Something Simple” finds the beauty in all things. As band lead vocalist Ben Hughes explained:

A one-take recording (guitar/vocals) from my room with the windows open. ‘Something Simple’ is about loss and longing. It’s about reckoning with the idea of greener pastures. It’s about the desire to move away, and the desire to return home – only remembering the good parts of what was left there. All these wishes and fears about the future. Hopes and dreams. And at the end of the day, it’s about leaning on the little moments that occur each day to pull us through.

If you’re enjoying the new single, please consider pre-ordering In Memories here.

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