Mighty has finally properly followed up their 2018 self-titled debut. The following year they dropped the “David’s Park Bench” single, then last year saw the release of a b-sides EP, but now, at long last, they’ve put out their true studio EP followup, You Deal With the Trash. It’s a continuation of the grimy alt-rock sound explored on Mighty, and in many ways also both a refinement and an extension thereof. Angelo Fiaretti, frontman of Mighty, walked us through the EP track-by-track.
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Spanish Love Songs Live in Asbury Park
In March, Spanish Love Songs put out my favorite album of 2018 so far, Schmaltz. While they’ve spent the entirety of the year since touring in support of the album, I didn’t get the chance to catch a show until Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018, but it was well worth the wait.
Triple Crown Records 20th Anniversary Show
Triple Crown Records has been putting out some of the scene’s most essential records for twenty years now, so it makes sense that their anniversary show ended up being one of the best shows I’ve seen this year. The four-band show had a mix of styles that spoke to the variance in sound the label has always had; a fan of almost any kind of music could’ve found a set to like. I ran through some of my favorites below.