Review: Good Charlotte – Good Charlotte

Good Charlotte - Good Charlotte

Flash back to the year 2000, and a group of awkward young 20-ish-year-olds were looking for their own voice in a crowded punk field. What made Good Charlotte so charming was their ability to speak to the misfit youth of America by connecting directly to the underdogs of the world. They made this clear on their first radio single, “Little Things” with the spoken introduction of, “This song is dedicated / To every kid who ever got picked last in gym class / To every kid who never had a date to no school dance.” The band made it clear that they were making this type of music for the outcasts of the world, and they had the musical chops to back up what they wanted to accomplish. It never came across as a “gimmick” or an act, and their authenticity is what led to a lot of their future success.

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Joel Madden Talks With Forbes

Good Charlotte

Joel Madden of Good Charlotte talked with Forbes about life in quarantine:

I feel like the only message I have that matters right now is that we are really all in this together. The only thing we can do is hope for the best for one another, help each other when we can, take care of our families, and hang in there until we are on the other side of this. If we can all do our part and hopefully reach out to one another when we need support, I think when we get through this we are all stronger.

Joel Madden Talk With Kerrang

Good Charlotte

Joel Madden of Good Charlotte talked with Kerrang:

Good Charlotte have never compromised who we are. We’ve survived. It’s almost like the music business had all these big extinctions – like climate change or something – and we survived all those changeovers. To still be making the music that we’re making, and still be together over two decades later, and still love each other, is a huge accomplishment. It wasn’t always easy not knowing what the future held for us, when everyone’s telling you that, ‘It’s over,’ or, ‘Music’s changed now,’ or, ‘This doesn’t age well.’ But we stuck it out together, we followed our hearts, and we landed in a place where we’re happy to be. I once thought it was over, and it now feels like it’s only just getting started.