Why Hayley Williams Is Starting a “Sanctuary of Self Love” at Bonnaroo

Hayley Williams

Courtney E. Smith, writing at Refinery 29:

Williams says the part of her new plaza she’s most looking forward to are panels she’s arranged, which span from education on CBD to a forum on sexual assault and the weight of that trauma. “The first time we started talking about the panels I was apprehensive because I wondered who would want to come to a festival to sit and listen to people talk?” Williams says. “But when I thought about the nature of community and connection being part of why people come to festivals in the first place — it’s to not only see their favorite artists, but to connect and feel.”

Hayley Williams On Mental Health, Self-Care, And Hair-Dye

Hayley Williams

Hayley Williams talked with Nylon about mental health, self-care, hair dye, and more:

I think that Paramore primed me, for better or worse, it prepared me to let people down all the time. I think Paramore prepped me pretty well to make mistakes in front of people, [and helped me learn that] you’ve gotta put your pride aside.

The thing about companies is that they’re made of human beings. For instance, Brian and I have made a lot of mistakes in terms of formulation that we’ve had to correct. We’ve had to be transparent about those things. Some things you fix and they happen. I’m starting to understand how many mistakes happen in the beauty industry all of the time. We’re constantly improving and trying to correct and make sure that we’re doing the right thing.

Hayley Williams on Mental Health


Hayley Williams of Paramore, writing for Paper Magazine:

I woke up from that crash with one less bandmate… another fight about money and who wrote what songs. And I had a wedding ring on, despite breaking off the engagement only months before. A lot happened within a short time. But then I didn’t eat, I didn’t sleep, I didn’t laugh… for a long time. I’m still hesitant to call it depression. Mostly out of fear people will put it in a headline, as if depression is unique and interesting and deserves a click. Psychology is interesting. Depression is torment.

We wrote and wrote and I never liked what I put to the music Taylor sent me. His stuff sounded inspired. My parts sounded, to me, like someone dead in the eyes.

This is really great and worth the read.