Review: My Chemical Romance – Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge

The 15th anniversary of the My Chemical Romance classic has come and gone, but with the recent news of them reuniting, I just couldn’t wait five more years to write about Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge. I vividly remember my first time hearing this record. I was a 21-year old, shopping at my local Hot Topic, browsing the listening station of the recent CD releases. The Three Cheers artwork grabbed my attention from the first look, and I knew I had to see what the band had come up with, having only seen them open up for The Used at the 9:30 Club about a year prior. The album was produced by one of all-time favorites, Howard Benson, and had it not been for my immediate trust in the producer; I may have waited to purchase this album until a few weeks later. What I was not expecting was just how professional, polished, and amazing the record was, as I became immediately transported into the world of MCR. From the opening notes of “Helena,” I knew this band had created something incredibly special, immediate, and gripping from the very first listen. It’s safe to say that this immediate purchase of the record was not one that I came to regret.

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My Chemical Romance Are About to Break the Internet

My Chemical Romance

Well, well, well … it looks like My Chemical Romance have a new Instagram page that has a cryptic new story. (Their official Twitter account has the same imagery.)

I’ll update this post as we find out more.

Update: A second story has been posted labeled “Courage.”

Update #2: Now “Sacrifice.”

Update #3: Now “Devotion.”

Update #4: And now a MCR logo.

Update #5: The band have announced a show on December 20th at the Shrine Expo Hall in California. Tickets will go on sale tomorrow.

Update #6: New merchandise is up on the band’s official store.

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Gerard Way on ‘The Umbrella Academy,’ My Chemical Romance … and Liza Minnelli

Gerard Way

George Gene Gustines, writing at The New York Times:

My initial inspiration was a few different things. I had been such a fan of the Marvel Silver Age, and I grew up reading Chris Claremont’s X-Men. Marvel characters had a lot of issues and problems, but I wanted to give them deeper, more complex problems. I was also reading Hellboy by Mike Mignola, and to me that was a postmodern horror comic. There was nothing like that for superheroes. I usually try to make things that I wish existed that I would want to listen to or read.

Gerard Way Talks With the Guardian

My Chemical Romance

Leonie Cooper, writing at The Guardian:

“That’s stuff I thought about when the world started to get super fucked-up again,” he reveals. “It definitely came into my head, but I’d changed so much as a person. I didn’t know how I’d fit into it any more, I didn’t know how the band would fit into it any more. But you’re right, the world is definitely in need of something positive.”

I am evidently not the only one inquiring about the possibility of a comeback for a band that meant so much to so many. “We definitely get offers regularly to reunite – it’s a constant thing,” he says. “It’s flattering, it’s really nice of people …” But no chance? “I miss playing with the guys, but I don’t think so …”

Frank Iero Talks About the Infamous ‘Black Parade’ Teaser Video

My Chemical Romance

Frank Iero sat down with Seton O’Conner and talks a little about that My Chemical Romance teaser trailer that caused pandemonium a few years ago:

We wanted to do a 10-year anniversary release of it, and we had some demos left over and some songs that didn’t make the record and we were like, ‘Oh, cool. We’ll put it all together.’ Every year, we meet and have a barbecue kind of thing. We’ll have the barbecue, kids will hang out and we’ll discuss business for the next year. And we were like, ‘Oh, that would be really cool. We should do a little teaser trailer for it. Alright, that’s what we’ll do.’ So, we told the lady what we wanted, and they made this trailer, and we released it. And all of a sudden we were like, ‘Oh, wait. Everyone’s real confused.’

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Review: My Chemical Romance – The Black Parade

The Black Parade

Let me preface this My Chemical Romance retrospective by stating that they are my favorite band, and I still hold The Black Parade as one of my top-5 favorite albums ever recorded. Throughout My Chemical Romance’s career, I was astounded by their rise to fame, and having seen them go as the first opening band on tour with The Used, to headlining stadiums by the time The Black Parade reached its heights, and I have marveled at the lore and theatrics surrounding my favorite artist.

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That My Chemical Romance “Tour Announcement” Has Been Up For Years

My Chemical Romance

Over the weekend Alt Press ran a story headlined with, “Are My Chemical Romance planning a tour?,” based on the following evidence:

The band’s site was updated with an “MCRX TOUR” announcement, and the description reads: “Check back soon for more details on the upcoming tour.”

Upcoming tour?

We’re freaking out a little bit. (OK, we’re freaking out A LOT.)

This damn line on their website causes a freakout every few months.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the website has had that same blurb on it for years. Here it is in October of 2016.

If and when My Chemical Romance return, given everything we know about the band, I’d have to imagine it’ll be a well thought out and produced announcement.1

  1. And I am a believer that it’s a when, not an if, I just don’t know when.