Stranger Things will return on October 27th. I am very excited.
Reports: ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Coming to Netflix
The Splash Report is reporting that Gerard Way’s The Umbrella Academy will be coming to Netflix:
At that time Slater said that they were still shopping around the pilot, well now sources have told me that The Umbrella Academy will be hitting NETFLIX and that Gerard Way is definitely involved in the project, and that they will indeed still be using Slater’s script for the project
Read More “Reports: ‘The Umbrella Academy’ Coming to Netflix”
‘Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later’ Trailer
Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later is coming to Netflix on August 4th. Today the marvelous trailer has been released.
Read More “‘Wet Hot American Summer: Ten Years Later’ Trailer”
‘Arrested Development’ Returns
Arrested Development will be returning for a fifth season on Netflix.
Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
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‘Master of None’ Season Two Soundtrack Released
Season two of Master of None was released on Netflix this morning and the soundtrack is now available.
That ‘Orange Is the New Black’ Ransom Thing Was Never Going to Pay Off
Brian Barrett, writing at Wired:
Although the hack offers a reminder that even the best security can be undone by the so-called “weakest link” — Netflix can’t do much if a vendor is compromised — it provides a bigger lesson in how the internet has largely shifted away from torrenting. If a show lands on The Pirate Bay and nobody watches, did it really stream?
Consider that in 2011, BitTorrent accounted for 23 percent of daily internet traffic in North America, according to network-equipment company Sandvine. By last year, that number sat at under 5 percent. “There’s always going to be the floor of people that are always going to be torrenting,” says Sandvine spokesperson Dan Deeth. That group will surely enjoy whatever Piper’s up to in season five. But the idea that so small a cohort might prompt Netflix to negotiate with hackers seems absurd.
I commented on this when New Found Glory’s new album leaked and there were a bunch of comments in the threads basically saying, “no reason to go hunt for the leak, it’ll be on Spotify soon enough anyway.” I always thought easy and convenient access to music would help curb piracy, but even I didn’t think it would have as big an impact as it has.
‘Mystery Science Theatre 3000’ Returns
Mystery Science Theatre 3000 has returned. The new season is now up on Netflix.
‘Master of None’ Season Two Trailer
Another new trailer for Master of None’s season two has been released.
‘Arrested Development’ Leaving Netflix in April
Arrested Development, Buffy, X-Files, and more will be leaving Netflix in April. I guess it’s time to get your binge on.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Arrested Development, Firefly, Ally McBeal, The X-Files, Roswell and House are the bigger, more notable shows being tossed aside in April. Every single season from each show will no longer be available to stream, with the exception of Arrested Development’s fourth season, which will remain due to it being a Netflix exclusive.
I still watch random episodes of Arrested Development from time-to-time (I don’t visit that fourth season very often), and I realized today I haven’t cracked open my DVD collection in probably years. I guess it’s time to get this into Plex.
‘Mystery Science Theater 3000’ Trailer
The trailer for Netflix’s reboot of Mystery Science Theater 3000 has been released.
Marvel’s ‘Iron Fist’ Is Ok, but Never Great
After watching the first six episodes a lot of critics were out on Netflix’s new series Iron Fist. The reviews haven’t been kind. While it’s hard to judge a whole show on just shy of half of its episodes, it’s important for a show to grab the audience from the start. Iron Fist doesn’t quite do that. While I made it through the whole thing, the start of the show was slow. The latter half is definitely better, but many people could find themselves giving up on the show before that happens.
Netflix to Change From Stars to Thumbs
Netflix will be moving away from the star rating system to a thumbs up or thumbs down approach:
Netflix VP of Product Todd Yellin told journalists on Thursday during a press briefing at the company’s headquarters in Los Gatos, Calif., that the company had tested the new thumbs up and down ratings with hundred of thousands of members in 2016. “We are addicted to the methodology of A/B testing,” Yellin said. The result was that thumbs got 200% more ratings than the traditional star-rating feature.
‘Master of None’ Season 2 Trailer
Aziz Ansari has released the trailer for season two of Master of None. The season will debut on May 12th on Netflix.
‘Win It All’ Trailer
The trailer for Joe Swanberg’s next project for Netflix, Win it All, has been released.
‘Mystery Science Theatre 3000’ Airs on Netflix in April
Mystery Science Theatre 3000 is set to premiere on Netflix on April 14th.
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