One Song for Twenty Years

For this week’s playlist I asked everyone in the staff Slack chat to pick one song that came out between 1996 and 2016 (roughly the time that AbsolutePunk was sort of a thing). It didn’t have to be their favorite song from that time period, but it had to mean something to them and be special for some reason. I’ve compiled all the tracks that were submitted and put together a playlist on Apple Music and Spotify for your weekend listening pleasure. Below you’ll find a more extended break down of who picked what song. You get one song — what would you pick?

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Music I Liked Last Month

One of the things I’d like to do more of is put together playlists. Maybe sometimes they’ll have a theme, maybe they’ll just be a bunch of music I’ve played recently, and maybe I’ll be able to bring in some guests to help out in the future. But, it’s all got to start with the first one. I’ve put together a playlist of a bunch of stuff I’ve listened to, and enjoyed, over the past month or so. The goal was to try to cover a few diverse genres and keep the length right at the hour mark. You can find the playlist on Apple Music and Spotify or via an embed if you hit read more.

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