Albums in Stores – July 15th, 2016

The biggest release this week relevant to those of us that grew up in the late 90’s is probably the new one from Good Charlotte. I’m actually a little surprised I enjoyed it as much as I have. I’m going to give that Needtobreathe album a spin as well since I liked the interview we did with them on the site. If you hit read more you can see all the releases we have in our calendar for the week. Hit the quote bubble to access our forums and talk about what came out today, what albums you picked up, and to make mention of anything we may have missed.

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Review: Sarah Jarosz – Undercurrent

Texas Americana artist Sarah Jarosz is only 25 years old—and recently 25, to boot—but she already has four albums under her belt. Her third, 2013’s Build Me up from Bones, even earned a Grammy nomination for Best Folk Album. It’s with her fourth album, the brand-new Undercurrent, that Jarosz is making a case for herself as one of the finest artists in the genre. On the last album I’d have argued that the best song was a cover of Bob Dylan’s timeless “Simple Twist of Fate”—already one of the best songs Dylan ever wrote. Here, all 11 songs are originals, and they showcase new depths of confidence for Jarosz. Even when she’s working with co-writers, everything on Undercurrent feels bent to the same artistic vision.

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Brand New to Release ‘3 Demos, Reworked’

Brand New will be releasing 3 Demos, Reworked in the near future.

Update: Banquet Records has updated their website with two listings. The first is for PMT-005, which contains “Mene” and “Out of Range.” The second is for PMT-003 and has a track listing of “Brother’s Song,” “Missing You,” “1996,” “Brother’s Song (Demo 2006),” “Missing You (Demo 2006),” and “1996 (Demo 2006).” Both have release dates of July 29th.

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