Sigur Ros’s drummer, Orri Páll Dýrason, as been accused of sexual assault.
The Orwells Break Up
The Orwells have broken up amidst allegations of sexual misconduct.
The Faim Drop Off 5 Seconds of Summer Tour
The Faim have dropped off the 5 Seconds of Summer tour after allegations of misconduct came out against their guitarist.
Blood on the Dance Floor’s Dahvie Vanity Accused of Sexually Assaulting Multiple Women
Meanwhile, rumors about the multi-instrumentalist’s predilection for taking advantage of his predominantly female adolescent fanbase have been floating around the Internet for years, and there are now multiple online groups that seek to alert the world to Dahvie’s alleged crimes. And yet, somehow, Blood on the Dance Floor continued to record and perform successfully, and to receive positive (or at least neutral) press. Only recently has BOTDF is Garbagecore, a Facebook group devoted to outing Dahvie as a sexual predator, had success derailing the band’s tours.
Now a handful of Dahvie’s victims have bravely stepped forward to tell MetalSucks their stories in the hopes of preventing him from hurting anyone else.
Inside an Alleged Abusive Emo ‘Sex Cult’
Amy Zimmerman, writing for The Daily Beast:
Earlier this month, accusations started circulating about William Francis, the former lead singer of emo band Aiden who goes by the stage name William Control. […] [A]ccording to accusations made by multiple women, Francis only purported to practice BDSM; in fact, they claim, he physically and emotionally abused women, ordered many of them to get matching tattoos of his initials, and even demanded contracts from his sexual partners or “slaves,” signed in their own blood.
This is extremely difficult to read.
MetalSucks Explains Why They Won’t Support This As I Lay Dying Reunion
Few of these comments even mention the fact that the whole reason As I Lay Dying broke up in the first place was because frontman Tim Lambesis committed a crime… which, if you need to be reminded, was TO TRY AND HAVE HIS WIFE MURDERED. He took real, concrete steps to pay a man to kill Meggan Lambesis, and he ultimately failed only as a result of his own ineptitude.
I’d been weighing if I even wanted to post about this reunion and give any publicity to this awfulness, but I wanted to publicly give my support to MetalSucks for taking this stand. Good for them. This is the right thing to do.
William Control Responds to Allegations
William Control has responded to allegations of sexual misconduct via Facebook. His full message can be found below.
Moose Blood Release Statement
Moose Blood have decided to “take legal action” after being accused of stealing nude photographs off of a woman’s phone and sending them to others without her permission.
President of Republic Records Put on Leave Following Allegations
Charlie Walk, president of Republic Records, has been put on leave following sexual misconduct allegations. The label has released a statement:
Republic Records is committed to a safe workplace environment where employees are treated fairly and respectfully. We have retained an outside law firm to conduct an independent investigation of this matter and have encouraged anyone who has relevant information to speak to the firm’s investigators. Mr. Walk has been placed on leave, and will remain in leave for the duration of the investigation.
Stone Removed From Knocked Loose Tour
Knocked Loose have removed Stone from their upcoming tour after allegations of sexual misconduct. The band’s full statement can be found below.
With Confidence Taking Time Off
With Confidence have released a statement in regard to recent allegations made against the band. You can read the band’s statements and statements from individual members below.
Pierce the Veil Finally Address Allegations of Misconduct
Pierce the Veil have released a statement addressing allegations made against Mike Fuentes. You can read the full thing below.
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Evan Weiss Issues Statement on Manager
Following allegations against his manager, Evan Weiss of Into It. Over It. has released a statement to Track Record. You can read the entire thing below.
It’s Not Just Musicians, Sexual Misconduct Is Everywhere
Hilary Corts has shared her story of working in the music industry and being assaulted while on tour with Hellogoodbye:
As a touring person who has shared many a bed with zero incident, I did not think much of it. Once we were in bed, however, he decided to put his hands on me. I told him “no” as he tried to get up my shirt, kissing my arms and shoulders. He did not stop so I rolled away from him, at which point he pinned me up against the wall. He fell asleep on top of me in what I can only describe as a forced cuddle position. I was freaked out and felt very helpless as I was trapped.
Working with Chase became increasingly more difficult as he was not kind to me and made my job much harder. I called Evan Weiss (Into It. Over It.), my friend at the time, whose band was/is also managed by Chase. Evan brushed off the whole situation as “not a big deal” and told me that Chase was “probably just lonely” as he’d broken up with his longtime girlfriend just days prior. As we’d already agreed I’d be tour managing Into It Over It on their upcoming tours, Evan told me to shut up and “play nice” if I still wanted to work for him. So that is what I did.
Pinegrove Frontman Apologizes for Sexual Coercion
Pinegrove frontman Evan Stephens Hall has posted an apology for “sexual coercion” on Facebook. The band have canceled all upcoming tour dates and you can read the full post below.
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