An animated video for David Bowieʼs “I Can’t Give Everything Away” can be found on YouTube or by hitting read more. The video was put together by Blackstar album designer Jonathan Barnbrook.
Saosin – “Racing Toward a Red Light”
All Time Low Post “Missing You” Video
All Time Lowʼs video for “Missing You” can be found on YouTube or by hitting read more
Thief Club Covers Jimmy Eat World
Thief Club covered Jimmy Eat Worldʼs “The Sweetness.”
Explosions in the Sky Perform on Colbert
Explosions in the Skyʼs performance of “Disintegration Anxiety” on Colbert can be found on YouTube or by hitting read more.
With Confidence Announce New Album; Stream “Keeper”
With Confidence will be releasing their new album, Better Weather, on June 17th via Hopeless Records. You can watch the video for the first single, “Keeper,” on YouTube or by hitting read more.
Read More “With Confidence Announce New Album; Stream “Keeper””
Watch Underoath Perform Live in San Francisco
Modern Baseball Release “Tripping in the Dark” Documentary
Modern Baseball have released a 17 minute long documentary called “Tripping in the Dark” on YouTube. You can also find that and the latest press release after the jump.
Read More “Modern Baseball Release “Tripping in the Dark” Documentary”
M83 Stream “Go!”
Deftones Stream “Hearts/Wires”
Deftones’ new song, “Hearts/Wires,” was played last night on Daniel P Carter’s BBC Radio 1 Rock Show. It starts at about the 2:40 mark, or is waiting to be taken down on YouTube.
The Matches Release Video for “Little Maggots”
After nearly a decade, The Matches have finished and released their video for “Little Maggots” over on AltPress. It’s also up on YouTube or by hitting read more.
Trailer for ‘Swiss Army Man’; Scored by Andy Hull & Robert McDowell
The first trailer for Swiss Army Man was released today. This is the movie scored by Manchester Orchestra and the one apparently about a farting corpse.
Read More “Trailer for ‘Swiss Army Man’; Scored by Andy Hull & Robert McDowell”
Teaser For Animated ‘Batman: The Killing Joke’
A teaser for the upcoming animated feature for Batman: The Killing Joke was posted today on YouTube.
Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon Introduces Bernie Sanders
Bon Iverʼs Justin Vernon introduced Bernie Sanders at a really this morning at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. You can find that at on YouTube or by hitting read more.
Read More “Bon Iver’s Justin Vernon Introduces Bernie Sanders”
All Time Low Post “Missing You” Teaser
All Time Low have posted a teaser for their “Missing You” video on YouTube, the full thing will be released on April 5th.