The Dickies Verbally Abuses Crowd Member at Warped Tour

Warped Tour

The band The Dickies were assholes at Warped Tour on their last day of the tour. They posted a pretty ridiculous statement on Facebook about the entire thing and at this point I’m just exhausted by how prevalent this nonsense is.

Safer Scenes’ take is right on:

If you don’t want misogynist rants on stage at your event, make a policy for performers, and have sound crew and security enforce it. Another good way to keep misogynist rants off your stages: don’t book artists that have attacked women fans, don’t book misogynist bands.

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A Feminist Punk Band’s Quest to Create Safer Spaces at Warped Tour

War on Women

Shawna Potter, writing for Noisey:

I bet a lot of people imagine the Warped Tour as a sea of white men (dude-bros to be more specific), endlessly combing their hair in front of their eyes or pounding beers or texting underage girls and sometimes playing music. That’s harsh, I know, and thank goodness it’s not really like that. Not totally. But for every kernel of truth in that stereotype, our band is happy to offer a true alternative, to talk and sing about reproductive justice, trans rights, and rape culture.

Safer Scenes Raising Money to Go on Warped Tour

Warped Tour

Safer Scenes have launched a GoFundMe to head out on Warped Tour:

Sexual violence at music festivals is all too common. While this issue is getting increased media attention, there are still far too few resources for people who want to do something about it. In my work with music festivals looking to address this issue, I’ve seen a keen interest from the public, but a lack of concrete help available to them. I’m proud to have been part of a cultural shift and an educational revolution on the issue of safety at shows. Now it’s time to take the campaign across America.

I’m so excited that the amazing band War On Women has invited me to come along with them on Vans Warped Tour this summer! Together with Hollaback! Baltimore we are creating a Safer Scenes booth to be at every single one of the 41 dates of the summer 2017 season.

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No Free Parents at Warped This Year

Warped Tour

Warped Tour will not be offering their “free parent ticket” promotion this year:

In 2015 and 2016, we tested implementing a “Parent Get’s In For Free” program that allowed (1) parent to be admitted to the show for Free if they were bringing a child that had a paid ticket. Unfortunately in 2017 and moving forward, the tour is “going back to our roots” and with the booking of a more balanced lineup including many legacy acts, we are no longer offering the FREE Parent Ticket.

Wish instead I could dictate that zero of my dollars go to Attila. But, who am I kidding? I don’t wanna go stand in the sun all day to watch four bands anyway.