Jimmy Kimmel to Host 2017 Academy Awards


Variety is reporting that Jimmy Kimmel will be hosting the 2017 Academy Awards.

The “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” star has hosted major several awards shows in the past, notably the recent 2016 Emmy Awards, as well as the 2012 Emmys. Kimmel has also hosted the 2007 ESPYS and the American Music Awards on ABC five times. This will be his first time hosting the Oscars.

Sponsor: Hailey, It Happens Release New Album

Hailey, It Happens

Hailey, It Happens are an electronic music duo from Boston, MA who have been friends and collaborators since they were 13 years old. Last Friday they released their brand new self-titled album. The album is now up on Bandcamp, Spotify, and Apple Music. Two and a half years after their last EP, Under the Brilliant Lights, and recorded during time stolen between full-time jobs as an accountant and a teacher, the record chronicles 36 consequential months in the duo’s lives.

Between the first session with veteran producer Jon Taft (The Saddest Landscape, Bearstronaut, Morne) and the last layered harmony, songs about girlfriends became songs about fiancés and then wives. Songs were informed by visiting places all over the world. The muse for songs of hurt and goodbye on past records became the inspiration for new songs about a blossoming relationship. And during every break between fevered writing and recording sessions, the face of the music world changed, and these two music obsessives listened to, absorbed and repurposed a whole world of new sounds into their own aesthetic.

If you’re looking for a song to start with, try streaming “Dandelion” below.

Read More “Hailey, It Happens Release New Album”

AFI’s Jade Puget Talks About Upcoming Album


Alternative Press talked with AFI’s Jade Puget about their upcoming album.

Yeah, definitely. The whole recording was different, especially with me stepping up to produce after all this time. I’d compose the entire song and demo it out before we hit the studio, so a lot of the production was done early on. Matt was awesome and we worked really well together—that whole thing was very different for me and very different for the band. In the studio, we tried to make it flow and work very naturally because we don’t love being in the studio. That’s the work part of it and we love the creative part, the writing, and the enjoyment part is going on the road. So I did the vocals with Davey [Havok], just he and I in a room together while the drums were being tracked. Dave and I have always just wanted to do the vocals just the two of us and make a record like that. It was awesome and I loved it.

If You Really Wanna Get Me a Gift

As we enter December I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for visiting our website each day. November was one of the best months our forum has seen since we launched, and I’m starting to gear up for the new year. I have some ideas to make our membership options a little more straight forward, and streamline everything on that end as we continue to expand coverage and grow our community. In the meantime, a huge thank you to everyone that has become a supporting member and helped us outpace even my conservative estimates of where we might be by the end of the year.

If you’re looking for a Christmas present to get me, think about upgrading your forum account for a year! Or maybe if you do your holiday shopping at Amazon use our affiliate link. Both really do help push us through this relatively slow news, and advertising, period of the music industry.

I hope everyone has been enjoying the new website as much as I’ve being enjoying running it.