Hayley Williams on Making Her Fashion Week Debut

Hayley Williams

Rachel Hahn, writing for Vogue:

Each season, Taymour carefully curates the artists whom she works with, based on both their shared values and their genuine interest in the brand. Last spring rising New York singer-songwriter Zsela performed alongside a verdant farmers market, while this season Taymour tapped Williams as well as Colombian-Canadian singer Tei Shi to take part in the show. “Hayley and I just met, but I was so impressed with her demeanor,” Taymour says. “She definitely has a similar energy to mine and was very easygoing…having people like that who are supportive of the brand makes the show much stronger because you can tell that they want to be there.”

Hayley Williams Talks With WMagazine

Hayley Williams

Hayley Williams talked with WMagazine after performing at New Work Fashion Week:

The ethos I think is summed up best in the title. Even if you just look at the words, ‘Petals’ and ‘Armor’ are so opposite from each other. For me, the mantra of fighting through life with a new sense of vulnerability is really important. But I think being soft like that, in my experience, requires me to be very realistic about things and find time to still hope. I think it’s been interesting going through therapy and learning a lot of things about myself and why my coping mechanisms are what they are, and all that. I just am drawn to dark narratives. I tend to cock my head and not really trust if things have this veneer. I like to earn things and I also like to know that what’s on the front of something isn’t all; I want to know that there’s stuff underneath there to dig into. Petals for Armor has a bit of all of it. There’s self deprecation, which I’m very good at. There’s also defiant angst and rage, but as it moves on it gets lighter. A bunch of real life shit.

Most Anticipated of 2020


Last month we shared our favorite albums of 2019, and now that 2020 is upon us, it’s time to look at what we’re anticipating throughout the year. What records do we think we’re going to fall in love with over the next few months? What albums can we just not wait to hear? A bunch of contributors have written up blurbs about the albums and artists we’re most excited about, and we’d love to hear what’s on your most anticipated list as well.

Read More “Most Anticipated of 2020”