Fiona Apple Talks With Vulture

Fiona Apple

Fiona Apple talked with Vulture:

Making my first album, [I would go to the studio] from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. every day. While everybody else put together the arrangements, [I was] just sitting there being like, “When do I sing? When do I sing?” The difference between [then and now], me being like, “Oh, I think I’d like to play that thing on this. Okay, I can go do that right now.” It makes me feel like I wasn’t ever given a chance to be a musician before. Because you’d have to do everything in the studio, and I’m not good at doing things in front of people under pressure.

Review: The Strokes – The New Abnormal

The Strokes

When I first listened to the new album from The Strokes, I wasn’t quite sure what to think of it. It had everything that I have come to expect from a Strokes release, but I felt like it was missing some ingredient to it that made it feel complete. These feelings quickly evaporated the more I listened to The New Abnormal as it has become my favorite Strokes album since their incredible debut. This odd transition of uncertainty to favorability speaks a lot to the bands’ character and approach to songwriting. The New Abnormal is The Strokes’ first new album in seven years, their sixth studio album in total, and was expertly crafted under the tutelage of legendary producer Rick Rubin. There is plenty to unpack on this latest release that features plenty more ups than downs.

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