Review: Violent Soho – Everything is A-OK

Violent Soho - Everything is A-OK

Violent Soho are back with their first record in four years called Everything is A-OK, which seems ironic given our current world affairs. The new album was written before the COVID-19 crisis hit the world like a ton of bricks, but you could now make the argument that Everything is A-OK has arrived at just the right time; a moment when we can relate to the themes and ideas scattered throughout the record.

After taking a break following 2016’s Waco to focus on other musical projects, the Australian rockers– consisting of lead singer/guitarist Luke Boerdam, lead guitarist James Tidswell, bassist Luke Henery and drummer Michael Richards – are picking up right where they left off with their new album.

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Gerard Way Explains Solo Songs

Gerard Way

Gerard Way has updated the song descriptions of a bunch of the songs he put on SoundCloud earlier this week detailing the songs and where they started and came from. For example, he writes about how “Success!” was originally written for a new band that never came to be:

Back before Hesitant Alien was a thing, and before I wanted to pursue a solo career, I wanted to start a band and just sing and play guitar, after my chem broke up. The name of the band was going to be Baby Animal Hospital (the record label hated the name, especially since it included both the words ‘baby’ and ‘hospital’ in the same phrase), and I did a bunch of rough graphic design for it, but in the end, it really felt like a solo thing, so that’s what it became. But when it was Baby Animal Hospital (I wanted something that sounded warm and fuzzy and loud, like the tones) I recorded this track with Doug for the opening of the record. The lyrics/sounds are just the word BAH over and over again, which where the first letters of each word of the band name, but that wasn’t intentional, I just liked the sound. And this was us really messing with auto-tune to try and make it sound like an instrument. It was supposed to be this track as track one and go right into Action Cat. Later on, I figured I would just make a zine with the name Baby Animal Hospital, but I didn’t get very far with it. Still like the name, and may do something with it in the future. Maybe one day I’ll share all the graphic design I did for it when it was a band, a lot of which was cut and paste by hand.

Apple Music Starts $50 Million COVID-19 Advance Fund for Indie Labels

Rolling Stone:

Apple Music is the latest company to offer industry relief amid the coronavirus pandemic. It told independent record labels Tuesday that it is launching a $50 million advance royalty fund to make sure their artists get paid.

According to a letter sent to the labels and obtained by Rolling Stone, independent labels that earn at least $10,000 in quarterly Apple Music earnings will qualify for the royalty advances. To qualify, the indie labels must have a direct Apple Music distribution deal.

New Found Glory – “Shook by Your Shaved Head”

New Found Glory

New Found Glory have debuted the new song “Shook by Your Shaved Head” and the band talked with Spin about the upcoming album:

I think what’s really cool about having 9 or 10 albums is that we’ve never been this free as a band. There’s no pressure to try to accomplish anything or reinvent the world, so we’re able to be exactly who we are because we’ve been appreciated by our fans for so long. When we read a comment from a fan and they’re like ‘This sucks!’ It’s like ‘Well, you’ve got another 9 albums, and there’ll probably be another one in 2 years.’

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