AbsolutePunk.net Throughout the Years


As I’ve been spending some time bringing back some of the old AbsolutePunk reviews, interviews, and diving into my musical history via the “My Nostalgia” and “Back to…” series, I’ve been compiling pieces of the AP.net history together with things I’ve had in folders on my hard drive over the years. I’ve been able to piece together screenshots of various quality from quite a few of the years, and figured putting them online with commentary about what I remember from each “design” would be a fun way to preserve some of that history. Unfortunately so much of the early years is lost to time. I never even thought to keep archives.

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Review: The Front Bottoms – In Sickness & In Flames

The Front Bottoms - In Sickness & In Flames

It’s funny how life imitates art, huh? Initially inspired by the whirlwind year prior, The Front Bottoms’ latest work In Sickness & In Flames chronicles the ups and downs of Brian Sella and Mat Uychich’s lives – marriage, emergency surgeries, and property burning down (hence the In Flames part). But then 2020 went to shit and The Front Bottoms’ fifth album has undertaken a completely new meaning (lyrics like It’s like I’m wearin’ a mask/But you could still see my face are so unintentionally poignant and just kind of sufficiently sums up the ongoing tension of this year). Produced by Mike Sapone, In Sickness & In Flames is the duo’s most genuine and well-rounded release in their decade-plus long history, meshing prior influences with bolder ideas.

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Mark Hoppus Video Interview

Mark Hoppus

Mark Hoppus of Blink-182 talked with Rock Sound about recording The Mark Tom and Travis Show. Good timing.

I love the way that it turned out though. We recorded the entire tour onto Digital Audio Tape and at the end of the tour somebody went back and listened to all of the banter that Tom and I did and put together that 15 minutes at the end of the album. The worst, most obscene, foul-language. On that tour me and Tom were really trying to see who could outdo the other and say the most ridiculous thing on stage. I’m glad it’s preserved for posterity now.

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