Review: A Story Told – American Made

On the third full-length record from pop-rockers A Story Told, called American Made, they channel all of the best elements of their band and their past work into a refreshing mix of great tunes. The first single released, “I Don’t Mind (To Get A Little Hurt Sometimes)” does a nice job of re-introducing the band to their fans, and brings some new elements into the fold for those just getting to know A Story Told. This record of 12 songs clocking in at just over 36 minutes, are punchy, to the point, and a hell of a lot of fun for this summer season. With so much great momentum going in the band’s favor, it’s no wonder why there is significant buzz surrounding these rockers.

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Steve Lamos Leaves American Football

American Football

Steve Lamos has left American Football:

After many years with American Football, my life situation has changed. Unfortunately, I now need to move on from the band.

I’d like to thank Mike, Holmes, Nate, Garzon, and Cory; Amber, Cara, and Butch; Jason, Jim, and Todd; Matt, Darcie, Seth, and everyone else at Polyvinyl; Atiba, Damien, Evan, SB, Sarah V, Dan, Sarah T, Meric, Logan, and the many other amazing artists and people whom I’ve come to know through AF. 

I wish you all the best as the band moves on to its next phase. 

Finally, I’d like to thank AF fans: you have provided me with some truly amazing experiences—and some truly amazing memories.

Boys Night Out Release Oldies

Boys Night Out

Boys Night Out have released an album of demos and oldies.

Releasing older songs is a tricky beast. On one hand, it could be bumming out the people who enjoyed hearing what the band evolved into. On the other hand, nostalgia sells…and daddy needs to eat! So…Nevermind 2! Broken Bones and Bloody Kisses has seen a few pressings in the past, but landing a physical copy of You Are My Canvas (which was only released on burned CDs, crafted in the Lovat-Frasers’ basement) is almost impossible. And ooooooh boy…the pre-demo demo (or PDD) versions of Sketch Artist Composite and The Anatomy of the Journey? Those puppies – with me (Connor…hi!) on vocals/drums and Jeff playing everything else – were only available on the Y2K version of and basically only used to recruit other band members. 

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