Weezer Talk ‘Blue Album’ Anniversary


Weezer will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the their Blue Album with a tour and deluxe album reissue.

“We’re putting ideas together,” Cuomo says, adding that the band didn’t do anything exciting to celebrate the album’s 20th anniversary, so they want to do it this time. “It’s just this tidal wave of passion,” the singer and guitarist says of the fans’ obsession with the record, “So, we are going to give it its due respect and come out with a really amazing deluxe package with a bunch of additional material, and of course, we’ve gotta do some kind of epic tour.”

Trash Fiasco – “One Bird” (Song Premiere)

Trash Fiasco

Today is a great day to share the new single from Chicago-based garage punk band, Trash Fiasco, called “One Bird.” Displaying the group’s elastic vocals and rhythmic drive, “One Bird” is straightforward without being mundane, and embodies every bit of reckless, gritty energy that their name suggests, as the band blasts their way through the song’s 70-second run time. With a sound similar to energetic punk bands like The Cramps and Wine Lips, Trash Fiasco have truly arrived. I was also able to catch up with the band for a brief interview below.

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Sonic Blume – “Falling Behind” (Video)

Sonic Blume

Today is a great day to share the news that indie rock band, Sonic Blume, have released their latest single and video for “Falling Behind.” Sonic Blume is Max Connery on vocals/guitar/synth, Danny Murray on drums, Noah Sullivan on guitar/synth, and James Waltsak on bass, and this NJ-based band is onto great things on this track. The single comes from their latest LP, All Your Favorite Songs that is out everywhere you stream your music now. I was also able to catch up with this talented band for a brief interview below.

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Bethany Cosentino Opens Up on TikTok

Best Coast

Bethany Cosentino talked on TikTok about her recent solo release and why she was disappointed in how it was launched, touching on the current music landscape:

Again, I don’t know that it’s necessarily anyone’s fault. And sure, you could be like, “Well, Bethany, you made a bad record.” But no, that’s not the truth. I fucking love my record, and really that’s what matters. But the industry now — it’s just, like, the amount of fucking selling yourself that you have to do, the amount of videos you have to make, the amount of promotion that you have to do. To then just be like, “Cool. My record came out, and it basically went away.” I mean, no, it didn’t go away, right? It exists forever. You can listen to it anytime. I can listen to it anytime. But when we look at it and evaluate it in terms of the commercial success lens, yeah, it kind of already went away.