Passing 10,000 Members Logo

It’s been about two and a half months since I launched Chorus and this week we passed 10,000 registered members on our forums. This is an exciting milestone and I’ve been pretty damn blown away by how fast our community has been growing, evolving, and easily becoming my favorite place to talk about almost any topic. Stats wise, we also recently passed a quarter million posts and our supporter members numbers have, for lack of a better term, left me speechless. I’ve got a number in my head that if we reach, the website will become perpetually sustainable for me to do full-time, and I really do think we can hit that number in our first year. If you’ve been thinking of signing up, please give our options a look and come join us in the supporter forum to say hi! I have plans to do a live blog/first impression run through of the new Butch Walker album tomorrow night and the Q&A thread has easily become my favorite in the entire forum (even if like half of it is probably Brand New related questions).

Once again I just want to say thank you to everyone that reads this website every day. It’s been incredibly fun to put together and run over the past couple of months.

Taylor Swift’s Representatives Again Deny She Gave Permission for “Famous”

Taylor Swift

In a recent interview with GQ, Kim Kardashian again insists that Taylor Swift gave Kanye West permission for “Famous” and its now infamous lyrical content. A representative for Taylor has responded, again, denying this to be the case:

Taylor does not hold anything against Kim Kardashian as she recognizes the pressure Kim must be under and that she is only repeating what she has been told by Kanye West. However, that does not change the fact that much of what Kim is saying is incorrect. Kanye West and Taylor only spoke once on the phone while she was on vacation with her family in January of 2016 and they have never spoken since. Taylor has never denied that conversation took place. It was on that phone call that Kanye West also asked her to release the song on her Twitter account, which she declined to do. Kanye West never told Taylor he was going to use the term ‘that bitch’ in referencing her. A song cannot be approved if it was never heard. Kanye West never played the song for Taylor Swift. Taylor heard it for the first time when everyone else did and was humiliated. Kim Kardashian’s claim that Taylor and her team were aware of being recorded is not true, and Taylor cannot understand why Kanye West, and now Kim Kardashian, will not just leave her alone.

Jim Lindberg Explains Why There’s No New Pennywise


Jim Lindberg of Pennywise talks with Communities Digital News about trying to get into the studio and record a new album:

I really, really have been pressing that we really gotta get into the studio and it’s kind of been doing chores and then people have to get back to their families and things like that. It just kind of keeps getting put off, but I know everyone has a batch of songs. I’ve got ideas for songs and I know Fletcher was playing some stuff the other day that sounded cool, but we just have to get in there and do it, that desire to play has to be there from everyone involved, and that’s why I’m doing so much Wraths stuff because if Pennywise isn’t gonna practice and get in the studio and write songs, then I’m not gonna sit around twiddling my thumbs.

A Day to Remember Talk New Album With Kerrang

A Day to Remember

A Day to Remember talked with Kerrang about their new album, Bad Vibrations:

Also, I’m usually a little bit more “in control” of the whole album. But on this one we worked with Bill and Jason. I took a step back and let Bill steer the ship. He really did produce this album. I remember the first day we were there I sat down with him and showed him every single song idea I hadn’t finished since I started saving them. I was there with an acoustic guitar and sang him probably a hundred songs that I thought were great but just couldn’t finish. Ninety percent of that stuff no other person had ever heard before. And, yeah, he hated most of it (laughs)! It really set the tone. But I think we’re better friends and a better band because of that process.

Streaming Only Now Eligible For Grammys


The Grammys have announced that streaming only projects will now be eligible for the awards ceremony.

Works must be released via general distribution, defined as the nationwide release of a recording via brick and mortar, third-party online retailers, and/or applicable digital streaming services. Applicable streaming services are paid subscription, full catalogue, on-demand streaming/limited download platforms that have existed as such within the United States for at least one full year as of the submission deadline.

The Starting Line in Portland (Throwback Thursday)

The Starting Line - Photo Gallery

If I recall correctly, this “Throwback Thursday” gallery comes from the first time I ever photographed The Starting Line at the Roseland Ballroom in Portland, OR. I am pretty sure it was also their first national tour, and they were the opening band on a bill with New Found Glory, RX Bandits, and H2O.

It’s been interesting as I continue my deep dive into what seems like a never ending abyss of images; I sort through these boxes and struggle with where to even start. This week, when I came across these rolls of film, I realized these images would end up being a pretty sizable milestone for myself as a photographer. A few of the images from this night ended up being used on the album cover for The Starting Line’s release of The Early Years (We the People Sessions). You’ll find the full gallery below.

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