Jon Bunch Memorial Show in Philly

Jon Bunch

An east coast Jon Bunch Memorial Show (benefiting his son, Jack) will take place on Saturday, June 25th at the TLA in Philadelphia. Tickets are $30 and now up for purchase. The line-up includes Further Seems Forever, Garrett Klahn performing Texas is the Reason songs acoustic, Dave Smalley, Vision, War Generation, Second Letter, and Running From Dharma. Sense Field will be performing a full set with guest vocalists, including Richie Birkenhead (Into Another), Jeff Caudill (Gameface), Ari Katz (Lifetime), Garrett Klahn (Texas in the Reason), Fred Mascherino (ex-TBS), Popeye (Farside), and Kenny Vasoli (The Starting Line).

Google Announces “Google Home”


Google has announced their own little device that lives in your home and you speak to and it does things for you, kind of like the Amazon Echo. From, The Verge:

It’s not portable, but the benefit of always being plugged in is that Google can make a more powerful speaker. Quieroz says that it “really fills the room” and that it will have “strong bass and clear highs.” That’s important, because one of the main use cases Google is foreseeing here is listening to music. The Echo isn’t great at that.

I like the idea of these devices being around and helping me with conversions while cooking, or checking basketball scores, or hopefully one day being able to control more home automation — I’m not convinced on them being great music listening devices yet.1

  1. I’ll reserve judgement until I can hear one in person. I do think this is potentially a great podcast speaker.

‘Your Favorite Band Is Killing Me’

Steven Hyden released his new book, Your Favorite Band is Killing Me: What Pop Music Rivalries Reveal About the Meaning of Life, this week.

Beatles vs. Stones. Biggie vs. Tupac. Kanye vs. Taylor. Who do you choose? And what does that say about you? Actually–what do these endlessly argued-about pop music rivalries say about us?

Music opinions bring out passionate debate in people, and Steven Hyden knows that firsthand. Each chapter in Your Favorite Band is Killing Me focuses on a pop music rivalry, from the classic to the very recent, and draws connections to the larger forces surrounding the pairing.

I haven’t read it yet, but I’ve heard really good things and have always enjoyed Steven’s writing.

Celebration Guns – “The Me That Used To Be” (Video Premiere)

Celebration Guns

I was feeling oddly nostalgic on the day Celebration Guns sent over this video to see about premiering it on the website, and something about the old home video footage worked so well with the music that it won me over almost instantly. The track, “The Me That Used to Be” comes from the band’s recently released EP of the same name. Frontman, Justin Weir, described the video premise:

The video features footage of me as a super hyperactive kid and while the lyrics have a general theme of reconnecting with youth and the associated beliefs and ideals that came with it, the video features the guys in the band reconnecting with the spirit of youth at an arcade, minigolf, and laser tag. Kind of a more personal look at Celebration Guns that hopefully brings about a nostalgic feeling overall.

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